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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing B, 2E, 2I, N and P

DEPENDABILITYdependability n. The characteristic of being dependable; the ability to be depended upon.
DEPENDABILITY n. the state of being dependable.
EXPENDABILITYexpendability n. The state or quality of being expendable.
EXPENDABILITY n. the state of being expendable.
INAPPRECIABLEinappreciable adj. Insignificant, undetectable, not able to be noticed.
INAPPRECIABLE adj. too small to be perceived.
INDISPENSABLEindispensable adj. (Ecclesiastical, obsolete) Not admitting ecclesiastical dispensation; not subject to release or exemption;…
indispensable adj. (Of duties, rules etc.) Unbendable, that cannot be set aside or ignored.
indispensable adj. Absolutely necessary or requisite; that one cannot do without.
INEXPLAINABLEinexplainable adj. That cannot be explained.
INEXPLAINABLE adj. not able to be explained.
INEXPRESSIBLEinexpressible adj. Unable to be expressed; not able to be put into words.
INEXPRESSIBLE adj. that cannot be expressed.
INEXPRESSIBLYinexpressibly adv. In an inexpressible manner.
INEXPRESSIBLE adv. that cannot be expressed.
INSUSCEPTIBLEinsusceptible adj. Not susceptible.
INSUSCEPTIBLE adj. not susceptible, also INSUSCEPTIVE.
INTERRUPTIBLEinterruptible adj. Able to be interrupted.
INTERRUPTIBLE adj. capable of being interrupted.
IRRESPONSIBLEirresponsible adj. (Now rare) Not responsible; exempt from legal responsibility, not to be held accountable.
irresponsible adj. Lacking a sense of responsibility; performed or acting as though without responsibility; negligent.
irresponsible n. Someone who is not responsible.
OPENABILITIESOPENABILITY n. the ability to be opened.
PENETRABILITYpenetrability n. The extent to which something is penetrable.
PENETRABILITY n. the state of being penetrable.
PERDITIONABLEperditionable adj. (Rare) Capable of being ruined; worthy of perdition.
PERDITIONABLE adj. worthy of perdition.
PERSONIFIABLEpersonifiable adj. Able to be personified.
PERSONIFIABLE adj. that can be personified.
PLEBEIANISINGplebeianising v. Present participle of plebeianise.
PLEBEIANISE v. to make plebeian, also PLEBEIANIZE.
PLEBEIANIZINGplebeianizing v. Present participle of plebeianize.
PLEBEIANIZE v. to make plebeian, also PLEBEIANISE.
REPUBLICANISErepublicanise v. Alternative form of republicanize.
REPUBLICANISE v. to make republican, also REPUBLICANIZE.
REPUBLICANIZErepublicanize v. (Transitive) To convert (A state etc.) to republican principles.
REPUBLICANIZE v. to make republican, also REPUBLICANISE.
UNIMPRESSIBLEunimpressible adj. Not impressible; not sensitive; apathetic.
UNIMPRESSIBLE adj. not impressible.
UNSPECIFIABLEunspecifiable adj. Unable to be specified.
UNSPECIFIABLE adj. not specifiable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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