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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 19 thirteen-letter words containing B, D, I, L, 2N and O

BENEDICTIONALbenedictional n. A book of benedictions.
BENEDICTIONAL n. a book of benedictions.
BICONDITIONALbiconditional adj. Having two conditions.
biconditional n. (Logic) An "if and only if" conditional wherein the truth of each term depends on the truth of the other.
BICONDITIONAL n. a relation between two propositions that is true only when both propositions are simultaneously true or false.
BILDUNGSROMANbildungsroman n. A novel tracing the spiritual, moral, psychological, or social development and growth of the main character…
Bildungsroman n. Alternative letter-case form of bildungsroman.
BILDUNGSROMAN n. (German) a psychological novel dealing with the early moral development of the protagonist.
CONDITIONABLEconditionable adj. Capable of being conditioned.
CONDITIONABLE adj. capable of being conditioned.
INCONDENSABLEincondensable adj. Not condensable; incapable of being made more dense or compact, or reduced to liquid form.
INCONDENSABLE adj. not able to be condensed, also INCONDENSIBLE.
INCONDENSIBLEincondensible adj. Alternative form of incondensable.
INCONDENSIBLE adj. not able to be condensed, also INCONDENSABLE.
LANDBOARDINGSLANDBOARDING n. the sport of being pulled along by a kite on a board.
NONCORRODIBLEnoncorrodible adj. Not corrodible.
NONCORRODIBLE adj. not corrodible.
NONDEDUCTIBLEnondeductible adj. (Finance) That cannot be deducted for income tax purposes, and that tax has to be paid on.
nondeductible n. (Finance) Any expense that cannot be deducted for income tax purposes.
NONDEDUCTIBLE adj. not deductible.
NONDELIBERATEnondeliberate adj. Not deliberate.
NONDELIBERATE adj. not deliberate.
NONDIALYSABLEnondialysable adj. Alternative spelling of nondialyzable.
NONDIALYSABLE adj. not dialysable, also NONDIALYZABLE.
NONDIALYZABLEnondialyzable adj. Not dialyzable.
NONDIALYZABLE adj. not dialyzable, also NONDIALYSABLE.
NONDIFFUSIBLEnondiffusible adj. Not diffusible.
NONDIFFUSIBLE adj. not diffusible.
NONDURABILITYnondurability n. The state or condition of being nondurable.
NONINDICTABLEnonindictable adj. Not indictable.
NONINDICTABLE adj. of an offence, not indictable.
NOSEBLEEDINGSNOSEBLEEDING n. bleeding from the nose, also NOSEBLEED.
UNBLINDFOLDEDunblindfolded v. Simple past tense and past participle of unblindfold.
unblindfolded adj. Not having been blindfolded.
UNBLINDFOLD v. to remove a blindfold from.
UNDIAGNOSABLEundiagnosable adj. That cannot be diagnosed.
UNDIAGNOSABLE adj. not diagnosable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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