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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 13 thirteen-letter words containing B, D, G, O, R, S and U

BACKGROUNDERSbackgrounders n. Plural of backgrounder.
BACKGROUNDER n. an off the record briefing for reporters.
BATTLEGROUNDSbattlegrounds n. Plural of battleground.
battle␣grounds n. Plural of battle ground.
BATTLEGROUND n. the site of a battle.
BILDUNGSROMANbildungsroman n. A novel tracing the spiritual, moral, psychological, or social development and growth of the main character…
Bildungsroman n. Alternative letter-case form of bildungsroman.
BILDUNGSROMAN n. (German) a psychological novel dealing with the early moral development of the protagonist.
BOARDINGHOUSEboardinghouse n. Alternative spelling of boarding house.
boarding␣house n. A private house in which paying residents are provided with accommodation and meals.
boarding␣house n. A boarding school building where boarders live during term time.
BRAGGADOCIOUSbraggadocious adj. Exhibiting braggadocio; characterized by empty boasts.
BRAGGADOCIOUS adj. boastful.
BRASSFOUNDINGbrassfounding n. The work of a brassfounder, casting objects from brass.
BRASSFOUNDING n. the craft of casting objects in brass.
DRAUGHTBOARDSdraughtboards n. Plural of draughtboard.
DRAUGHTBOARD n. a board for the playing of draughts.
EMBOURGEOISEDembourgeoised v. Simple past tense and past participle of embourgeoise.
EMBOURGEOISE v. to cause to become bourgeois or middle-class.
ROADBUILDINGSSorry, definition not available.
SUBORDINATINGsubordinating v. Present participle of subordinate.
SUBORDINATE v. to make subject or subservient.
SURFBOARDINGSSURFBOARDING n. the sport of surfing on a surfboard.
THIRDBOROUGHSthirdboroughs n. Plural of thirdborough.
THIRDBOROUGH n. (historical) an under-constable.
THOROUGHBREDSthoroughbreds n. Plural of thoroughbred.
Thoroughbreds n. Plural of Thoroughbred.
THOROUGHBRED n. a horse so bred.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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