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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 17 thirteen-letter words containing B, C, R, 2S and 2T

BACKSTARTINGSBACKSTARTING n. a marketing technique in publishing, whereby new customers are sent back issues of magazines or journals as part of their subscription.
BACKSTRAIGHTSbackstraights n. Plural of backstraight.
back␣straights n. Plural of back straight.
BACKSTRETCHESbackstretches n. Plural of backstretch.
back-stretches n. Plural of back-stretch (alternative form of backstretches).
back␣stretches n. Plural of back stretch (alternative form of backstretches).
BACTERIOSTATSbacteriostats n. Plural of bacteriostat.
BACTERIOSTAT n. an agent that causes bacteriostasis.
BITTERCRESSESbittercresses n. Plural of bittercress.
BITTERCRESS n. one of several perennial or annual cruciferous plants of the genus Cardamine.
CONTRABASSISTcontrabassist n. Someone who plays the contrabass.
CONTRABASSIST n. one who plays a contrabass.
COUNTERBLASTScounterblasts n. Plural of counterblast.
COUNTERBLAST n. a defiant pronouncement or denunciation.
CRISTOBALITEScristobalites n. Plural of cristobalite.
CRISTOBALITE n. a variety of silica.
OBSCURANTISTSobscurantists n. Plural of obscurantist.
OBSCURANTIST n. one who employs deliberate obscurity.
OBSTETRICIANSobstetricians n. Plural of obstetrician.
OBSTETRICIAN n. one who specialises in the care of women during pregnancy.
SCATTERBRAINSscatterbrains n. Plural of scatterbrain.
scatterbrains n. A flighty, disorganized or forgetful person.
SCATTERBRAIN n. a giddy heedless person.
SEMIABSTRACTSSorry, definition not available.
SUBSTRACTIONSsubstractions n. Plural of substraction.
SUBSTRACTION n. subtraction, also SUBTRACTION.
SUBSTRUCTIONSsubstructions n. Plural of substruction.
SUBSTRUCTION n. an underlying structure.
SUBSTRUCTURALsubstructural adj. Of or pertaining to a substructure.
SUBSTRUCTURAL adj. relating to substructure.
SUBSTRUCTURESsubstructures n. Plural of substructure.
SUBSTRUCTURE n. an underlying or supporting part of a structure.
TRACTABLENESStractableness n. The state of being tractable; tractability.
TRACTABLENESS n. the state of being tractable, also TRACTABILITY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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