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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 16 thirteen-letter words containing B, C, I, N, P, S and T

ANALPHABETICSanalphabetics n. Plural of analphabetic.
ANALPHABETIC n. one who is unable to read.
BIOCOMPUTINGSBIOCOMPUTING n. the application of computers to problems in biology and biochemistry.
CONSTABLESHIPconstableship n. The office or rank of a constable.
CONSTABLESHIP n. the office of constable.
INCOMPATIBLESincompatibles n. Plural of incompatible.
INCOMPATIBLE n. one who is incompatible.
INSUSCEPTIBLEinsusceptible adj. Not susceptible.
INSUSCEPTIBLE adj. not susceptible, also INSUSCEPTIVE.
INSUSCEPTIBLYinsusceptibly adv. In an insusceptible manner.
INSUSCEPTIBLE adv. not susceptible, also INSUSCEPTIVE.
OPISTHOBRANCHopisthobranch n. (Zoology) A gastropod with gills behind the heart, formerly thought to belong to a single group.
opisthobranch adj. (Of gills) Placed behind the heart.
opisthobranch adj. (Of a gastropod) Having gills placed behind the heart.
PENTASYLLABICpentasyllabic adj. Having five syllables.
PENTASYLLABIC adj. having five syllables.
POSTEMBRYONICpostembryonic adj. That follows the embryonic stage of development.
POSTEMBRYONIC adj. subsequent to the embryonic stage of life or growth, also POSTEMBRYONAL.
PRECOMBUSTIONprecombustion adj. Alternative spelling of pre-combustion.
pre-combustion adj. Occurring prior to combustion.
pre-combustion adj. Concerned with a phase prior to combustion.
SUBINSPECTORSsubinspectors n. Plural of subinspector.
sub-inspectors n. Plural of sub-inspector.
SUBINSPECTOR n. a subordinate inspector.
SUBSCRIPTIONSsubscriptions n. Plural of subscription.
SUBSCRIPTION n. an autograph signature.
SUPERCABINETSsupercabinets n. Plural of supercabinet.
SUPERCABINET n. a cabinet above other cabinets.
TECHNOPHOBIAStechnophobias n. Plural of technophobia.
TECHNOPHOBIA n. fear of technology.
TECHNOPHOBICSTECHNOPHOBIC n. one suffering from technophobia.
UNSUSCEPTIBLEunsusceptible adj. Not susceptible.
UNSUSCEPTIBLE adj. not susceptible.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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