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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 11 thirteen-letter words containing B, C, I, M, 2S and U

CIRCUMSCRIBEScircumscribes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of circumscribe.
CIRCUMSCRIBE v. to draw a line around, to surround by or as if by a boundary.
CONNUBIALISMSCONNUBIALISM n. the state of being connubial.
CRUMBLINESSESCRUMBLINESS n. the state of being crumbly.
LUMBRICALISESLUMBRICALIS n. one of certain muscles of the hand and foot used in flexing the digits, also LUMBRICAL.
NOCTAMBULISTSnoctambulists n. Plural of noctambulist.
NOCTAMBULIST n. a sleepwalker, a somnambulist.
OBSCURANTISMSobscurantisms n. Plural of obscurantism.
OBSCURANTISM n. opposition to the spread of knowledge; deliberate vagueness or abstruseness.
SIMARUBACEOUSsimarubaceous adj. (Botany) Belonging to the family Simaroubaceae of tropical and subtropical trees.
SIMARUBACEOUS adj. belonging to the Simarubaceae, a family of tropical trees related to the Rutaceae, also SIMAROUBACEOUS.
SUBCOMMISSIONsubcommission n. A subdivision of a commission.
SUBCOMMISSION v. to give a subsidiary commission.
SUBCOMMITTEESsubcommittees n. Plural of subcommittee.
SUBCOMMITTEE n. a subdivision of a committee usually organized for a specific purpose.
SUBJECTIVISMSsubjectivisms n. Plural of subjectivism.
SUBJECTIVISM n. the doctrine that all knowledge is subjective.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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