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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 19 thirteen-letter words containing B, C, 2I, R and 2S

BACTERIOLYSISbacteriolysis n. The destruction of bacteria by lysis.
BACTERIOLYSIS n. destruction or dissolution of bacterial cells.
BICAMERALISMSbicameralisms n. Plural of bicameralism.
BICAMERALISM n. the state of being bicameral, having two chambers.
BICAMERALISTSbicameralists n. Plural of bicameralist.
BICAMERALIST n. a supporter of bicameralism.
BIOSECURITIESSorry, definition not available.
BOROSILICATESborosilicates n. Plural of borosilicate.
BOROSILICATE n. a salt of boric and silicic acids, used in making heat- and chemical-resistant glass.
BRAINSICKNESSbrainsickness n. The quality of being brainsick; mental confusion or giddiness.
BRAINSICK n. diseased in the understanding, deranged.
CIRCUMSCRIBEScircumscribes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of circumscribe.
CIRCUMSCRIBE v. to draw a line around, to surround by or as if by a boundary.
CRISTOBALITEScristobalites n. Plural of cristobalite.
CRISTOBALITE n. a variety of silica.
IRASCIBLENESSirascibleness n. The state of being irascible; irascibility.
IRASCIBLE n. easily angered, irritable.
LUMBRICALISESLUMBRICALIS n. one of certain muscles of the hand and foot used in flexing the digits, also LUMBRICAL.
MISDESCRIBINGmisdescribing v. Present participle of misdescribe.
MISDESCRIBE v. to describe wrongly.
MISTRANSCRIBEmistranscribe v. (Transitive) To transcribe incorrectly.
MISTRANSCRIBE v. to transcribe wrongly.
OBSTETRICIANSobstetricians n. Plural of obstetrician.
OBSTETRICIAN n. one who specialises in the care of women during pregnancy.
PROBOSCIDIANSproboscidians n. Plural of proboscidian.
PROBOSCIDIAN n. any of an order of large mammals comprising the elephants and extinct related forms, also PROBOSCIDEAN.
SUBLITERACIESsubliteracies n. Plural of subliteracy.
SUBLITERACY n. the state of being subliterate.
SUBPRINCIPALSsubprincipals n. Plural of subprincipal.
SUBPRINCIPAL n. an assistant principal, as of a school.
SUBSCRIPTIONSsubscriptions n. Plural of subscription.
SUBSCRIPTION n. an autograph signature.
SUPERSCRIBINGsuperscribing v. Present participle of superscribe.
SUPERSCRIBE v. to write at the top or at the head.
UNSUBSCRIBINGunsubscribing v. Present participle of unsubscribe.
UNSUBSCRIBE v. to terminate one's subscription.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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