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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing B, C, 3I and 2S

ACCESSIBILITYaccessibility n. The quality of being accessible, or of admitting approach; receptiveness.
accessibility n. (Computing, web design) Features that increase software usability for users with certain impairments.
ACCESSIBILITY n. the ability to reach a place with respect to another place.
ASSOCIABILITYassociability n. The condition of being associable.
ASSOCIABILITY n. the quality of being associable.
BASIFICATIONSbasifications n. Plural of basification.
BASIFICATION n. the process of basifying.
BELLICOSITIESbellicosities n. Plural of bellicosity.
BELLICOSITY n. the state of being bellicose.
BILLSTICKINGSBILLSTICKING n. the act of posting bills.
BIOPESTICIDESbiopesticides n. Plural of biopesticide.
BIOPESTICIDE n. a biological pesticide.
BIOPHYSICISTSbiophysicists n. Plural of biophysicist.
BIOPHYSICIST n. a practitioner of biophysics.
BIOSCIENTISTSbioscientists n. Plural of bioscientist.
BIOSCIENTIST n. a practitioner of bioscience.
BIOSECURITIESSorry, definition not available.
BIOSTATISTICSbiostatistics n. (Biology, mathematics) The application of statistics to the study and analysis of biological and medical data.
biostatistics n. Plural of biostatistic.
BIOSTATISTICS n. statistics applied to the analysis of biological data.
CASTABILITIEScastabilities n. Plural of castability.
CASTABILITY n. the ability to be cast.
CAUSABILITIESCAUSABILITY n. the ability to be caused.
INDISSOCIABLEindissociable adj. Not dissociable.
INDISSOCIABLE adj. not dissociated.
INDISSOCIABLYindissociably adv. In a way that does not allow dissociation; having an inextricable link.
INDISSOCIABLE adv. not dissociated.
MISCIBILITIESmiscibilities n. Plural of miscibility.
MISCIBILITY n. the quality of being miscible.
MISDESCRIBINGmisdescribing v. Present participle of misdescribe.
MISDESCRIBE v. to describe wrongly.
SCALABILITIESscalabilities n. Plural of scalability.
SCALABILITY n. the ability to be scaled.
SOCIABILITIESsociabilities n. Plural of sociability.
SOCIABILITY n. the state of being sociable.
SUBDISCIPLINEsubdiscipline n. A field of study or work that is related to one aspect, but not the whole, of a broader field of study or work.
sub-discipline n. Alternative spelling of subdiscipline.
SUBDISCIPLINE n. a subdivision of a discipline.
SYLLABICITIESSYLLABICITY n. the state of being in syllables.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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