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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 14 thirteen-letter words containing B, C, E, M, O, T and U

BIOACCUMULATEbioaccumulate v. (Often of a toxin) To accumulate in a biological system over time.
BIOACCUMULATE v. to accumulate in a biological system over time.
COMPUTERPHOBEcomputerphobe n. A person afflicted by computerphobia; one who fears or dislikes computers.
COMPUTERPHOBE n. one with a fear of computers.
COULOMBMETERScoulombmeters n. Plural of coulombmeter.
COULOMBMETER n. an instrument for measuring the amount of a substance released in electrolysis, also COULOMETER.
INCOMBUSTIBLEincombustible adj. Not capable of catching fire and burning; not flammable.
incombustible n. Any substance that is not flammable.
INCOMBUSTIBLE adj. not combustible.
MYCOBACTERIUMmycobacterium n. (Bacteriology) Any of many rod-shaped, aerobic bacteria, of the genus Mycobacterium, that cause diseases…
Mycobacterium prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Mycobacteriaceae – certain rod-shaped, aerobic bacteria, that cause…
MYCOBACTERIUM n. any of a genus of bacteria that includes the pathogens causing tuberculosis and leprosy.
NONINCUMBENTSnonincumbents n. Plural of nonincumbent.
NONINCUMBENT n. one who is not an incumbent.
OBMUTESCENCESOBMUTESCENCE n. the act of becoming or keeping silent or mute.
PRECOMBUSTIONprecombustion adj. Alternative spelling of pre-combustion.
pre-combustion adj. Occurring prior to combustion.
pre-combustion adj. Concerned with a phase prior to combustion.
SUBCOMMITTEESsubcommittees n. Plural of subcommittee.
SUBCOMMITTEE n. a subdivision of a committee usually organized for a specific purpose.
SUBCOMPONENTSsubcomponents n. Plural of subcomponent.
SUBCOMPONENT n. a subordinate component.
TUBERCULOMATAtuberculomata n. Plural of tuberculoma.
TUBERCULOMA n. a slow-growing, circumscribed tuberculous lesion.
UNCOMBATIVELYuncombatively adv. In an uncombative manner.
UNCOMFORTABLEuncomfortable adj. Not comfortable; causing discomfort.
uncomfortable adj. Experiencing discomfort.
uncomfortable adj. Uneasy or anxious.
UNPROBLEMATICunproblematic adj. Not problematic (presenting problems) or not controversial.
UNPROBLEMATIC adj. not problematic.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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