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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 19 thirteen-letter words containing B, 2C, E, L, O and S

CHECKERBLOOMScheckerblooms n. Plural of checkerbloom.
CHECKERBLOOM n. a Californian malvaceous plant with pink or purple flowers.
CLAVICEMBALOSCLAVICEMBALO n. (Italian) a harpsichord.
COACHBUILDERScoachbuilders n. Plural of coachbuilder.
COACHBUILDER n. a craftsman who builds the bodies of cars, lorries, railway carriages, etc.
COCARBOXYLASEcocarboxylase n. A compound, related to vitamin B, that can be prepared from aneurine.
COCARBOXYLASE n. a coenzyme that is a pyrophosphate of thiamine and is important in metabolic reactions.
CONCELEBRANTSconcelebrants n. Plural of concelebrant.
CONCELEBRANT n. one that concelebrates a Eucharist or Mass.
CONCELEBRATESconcelebrates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of concelebrate.
CONCELEBRATE v. to jointly recite the canon of the Eucharist in unison with others.
CONCUPISCIBLEconcupiscible adj. (Archaic) Greatly to be desired or lusted after; exciting concupiscence.
concupiscible adj. (Archaic) Pertaining to concupiscence or lust; characterized by strong desire.
CONCUPISCIBLE adj. lustful, desirous.
CONFISCATABLEconfiscatable adj. That can be confiscated.
CONFISCATABLE adj. capable of being confiscated, also CONFISCABLE.
CONSTABLEWICKconstablewick n. (Obsolete) The district to which a constable’s power is limited.
CONSTABLEWICK n. (historical) the district of a constable.
CONSTRUCTABLEconstructable adj. Alternative form of constructible.
CONSTRUCTABLE adj. capable of being constructed, also CONSTRUCTIBLE.
CONSTRUCTIBLEconstructible adj. Of a land, suitable or allowable for constructing a building on.
constructible adj. Of a building or other thing, capable of being constructed.
constructible adj. (Of a regular polygon) That can be constructed in a plane using only a pair of compasses and a straightedge.
EBULLIOSCOPICebullioscopic adj. Of or pertaining to ebullioscopy.
ebullioscopic adj. Measured using an ebullioscope.
EBULLIOSCOPIC adj. relating to measurement by ebullioscope.
INCOMMISCIBLEincommiscible adj. Not commiscible; not mixable.
INCOMMISCIBLE adj. unable to be mixed or intermingled.
MICROBALANCESmicrobalances n. Plural of microbalance.
MICROBALANCE n. a balance designed to measure very small weights.
MOTORBICYCLESmotorbicycles n. Plural of motorbicycle.
MOTORBICYCLE n. a bicycle driven by a motor, also MOTORBIKE, MOTORCYCLE.
OBSOLESCENCESobsolescences n. Plural of obsolescence.
OBSOLESCENCE n. the process of becoming obsolete or the condition of being nearly obsolete.
SCROBICULATEDscrobiculated adj. Alternative form of scrobiculate.
SCROBICULATED adj. marked with many shallow depressions, grooves, or pits, also SCROBICULATE.
SUBCOLLECTIONsubcollection n. A subset of a collection.
SUBCOLLECTION n. a subdivision of a collection.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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