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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 11 twelve-letter words containing B, 2L, R, S and 2T

BALLICATTERSballicatters n. Plural of ballicatter.
BALLICATTER n. in Newfoundland, ice that forms along a shore from waves and freezing spray.
BELLETRISTICbelletristic adj. Of, pertaining to, or having the characteristics of belles-lettres.
belletristic adj. Written or appreciated for aesthetic value rather than content.
BELLETRISTIC adj. relating to belles-lettres, also BELLETRISTICAL.
BELLETTRISTSbellettrists n. Plural of bellettrist.
BELLETTRIST n. one who engages in belles-lettres, also BELLETRIST.
BLOODLETTERSbloodletters n. Plural of bloodletter.
BLOODLETTER n. one who lets blood.
BRISTLETAILSbristletails n. Plural of bristletail.
bristle-tails n. Plural of bristle-tail.
BRISTLETAIL n. another name for the silverfish.
BULLSHITTERSbullshitters n. Plural of bullshitter.
BULLSHITTER n. (offensive) one who bullshits.
SHELTERBELTSshelterbelts n. Plural of shelterbelt.
shelter␣belts n. Plural of shelter belt.
SHELTERBELT n. a row of trees providing shelter from the wind.
STILBESTROLSstilbestrols n. Plural of stilbestrol.
STILBESTROL n. (US) a synthetic oestrogen, also STILBOESTROL.
STILBOESTROLstilboestrol n. (Pharmacology) UK spelling of stilbestrol.
STILBOESTROL n. a synthetic oestrogen, also STILBESTROL.
SUBLITTORALSsublittorals n. Plural of sublittoral.
SUBLITTORAL n. the area lying between the shoreline and the edge of the continental shelf.
TRANSLATABLEtranslatable adj. Capable of being translated into another language.
translatable adj. Capable of being transferred from one context or environment to another.
TRANSLATABLE adj. capable of being translated.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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