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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 15 twelve-letter words containing B, I, L, 2N, S and T

BANALISATIONbanalisation n. The action of making something banal; trivialization.
BANALISATION n. the act of making banal, also BANALIZATION.
BLANDISHMENTblandishment n. (Countable) Often in the plural form blandishments: a flattering speech or action designed to influence or persuade.
blandishment n. (Countable) Something alluring or attractive.
blandishment n. (Uncountable, figurative) Allurement, attraction.
INCUNABULISTincunabulist n. Someone interested in the field of incunabula.
INCUNABULIST n. a student of incunabula.
INEXTENSIBLEinextensible adj. Not capable of being extended.
INEXTENSIBLE adj. not extensible.
LANGBEINITESlangbeinites n. Plural of langbeinite.
LANGBEINITE n. a double sulfate of potassium and magnesium, used in the fertiliser industry.
NEBULISATIONnebulisation n. Alternative spelling of nebulization.
NEBULISATION n. the act of nebulizing, also NEBULIZATION.
NONBIOLOGISTnonbiologist n. One who is not a biologist.
NONBIOLOGIST n. one who is not a biologist.
SANCTIONABLEsanctionable adj. That can be sanctioned.
SANCTIONABLE adj. capable of being sanctioned.
SANDBLASTINGsandblasting v. Present participle of sandblast.
sandblasting n. The process by which something is sandblasted.
SANDBLASTING n. the act of cleaning with a sand-laden blast of air.
SUBLINEATIONsublineation n. A line drawn underneath text; an underline.
sublineation n. The act of underlining.
sublineation n. (Anthropology) A system of forming kinship groups that subdivide a major lineage into subgroups of more…
TANGIBLENESStangibleness n. The characteristic of being tangible.
TANGIBLENESS n. the state of being tangible.
TELEBANKINGSTELEBANKING n. an electronic banking service accessed by telephone.
TENSIBLENESSTENSIBLENESS n. the state of being tensible.
UNLISTENABLEunlistenable adj. (Music, acoustics) Of a sound quality or characteristic that a person cannot long listen to.
UNLISTENABLE adj. not listenable.
VINBLASTINESvinblastines n. Plural of vinblastine.
VINBLASTINE n. a cytotoxic alkaloid obtained from the Madagascar periwinkle, and used to treat lymphomas and other cancers.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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