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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing B, E, H, L, N and 2S

ABOLISHMENTSabolishments n. Plural of abolishment.
ABOLISHMENT n. the act of abolishing.
BLEMISHMENTSblemishments n. Plural of blemishment.
BLEMISHMENT n. (Spenser) a blemish.
BLIMPISHNESSblimpishness n. The quality of being blimpish.
BLIMPISHNESS n. the state of being blimpish.
BLITHENESSESBLITHENESS n. the state of being blithe.
BLOCKISHNESSblockishness n. The state or quality of being blockish.
BLOCKISHNESS n. the state of being blockish.
BLOKEISHNESSblokeishness n. The state or quality of being blokeish.
BLOKEISHNESS n. the state of being blokeish, affecting a masculine style, also BLOKISHNESS.
BLUISHNESSESBLUISHNESS n. the state of being bluish.
BOLSHEVISINGbolshevising v. Present participle of bolshevise.
BOLSHEVISE v. to make a bolshevik, also BOLSHEVIZE.
ESTABLISHINGestablishing v. Present participle of establish.
establishing n. The act by which something is established; establishment.
ESTABLISH v. to settle or fix, also STABLISH.
FASHIONABLESfashionables n. Plural of fashionable.
FASHIONABLE n. a fashionable person.
HABITUALNESShabitualness n. The characteristic of being habitual.
HABITUALNESS n. the state of being habitual.
HORRIBLENESShorribleness n. The property of being horrible.
HORRIBLENESS n. the state of being horrible.
HUMBLENESSEShumblenesses n. Plural of humbleness.
HUMBLENESS n. the quality of being humble.
HUSBANDLIESTHUSBANDLY adj. of or like a husband.
NEIGHBORLESSneighborless adj. Without neighbors.
NEIGHBORLESS adj. without neighbors.
OMNISHAMBLESomnishambles n. (UK, informal, chiefly politics) A situation that is bad or mismanaged in every way.
OMNISHAMBLES n. a situation that has been completely mismanaged.
PUBLISHMENTSpublishments n. Plural of publishment.
PUBLISHMENT n. publication.
SHACKLEBONESshackle-bones n. Plural of shackle-bone.
SHACKLEBONE n. (Scots) the wrist.
SLOBBISHNESSslobbishness n. The state or condition of being slobbish; slovenliness.
SLOBBISHNESS n. the state of being slobbish.
STABLISHMENTstablishment n. (Obsolete) Establishment.
STABLISHMENT n. the act of stablishing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 61 words
  • Scrabble in French: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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