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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing B, E, G, 2I and 2R

BIOSURGERIESBIOSURGERY n. medical treatment with living agents e.g. maggots to clean wounds.
BIREFRINGENTbirefringent adj. Of or pertaining to birefringence.
birefringent adj. Having two refractive indices (depending on orientation).
BIREFRINGENT adj. relating to birefringence.
EMBROIDERINGembroidering v. Present participle of embroider.
embroidering n. An embroidered decoration.
EMBROIDER v. to ornament with designs in needlework, also BROIDER.
HARBINGERINGharbingering v. Present participle of harbinger.
HARBINGER v. to foreshadow.
INCORRIGIBLEincorrigible adj. Defective and impossible to materially correct or set aright.
incorrigible adj. Incurably depraved; not reformable.
incorrigible adj. Impervious to correction by punishment or pain.
MICROBREWINGmicrobrewing n. Small-scale commercial brewing, as carried out in a microbrewery.
MICROBREWING n. production by a microbrew.
NEIGHBORLIERneighborlier adj. Comparative form of neighborly: more neighborly.
NEIGHBORLY adj. like a neighbor, also NEIGHBOURLY.
OVERBRIDGINGoverbridging adj. Forming a bridge over something else; overarching.
overbridging n. Material or structure that forms a bridge over something else.
OVERBRIDGE v. to span with a bridge.
OVERBRIEFINGOVERBRIEF v. to brief excessively.
OVERBRIMMINGoverbrimming v. Present participle of overbrim.
overbrimming adj. (Rare) Being plentiful, particularly excessively so.
OVERBRIM v. to flow over.
PRESCRIBINGSPRESCRIBING n. the act of prescribing.
REDESCRIBINGredescribing v. Present participle of redescribe.
REDESCRIBE v. to describe again.
REDISBURSINGredisbursing v. Present participle of redisburse.
REDISBURSE v. (Spenser) to refund.
REFURBISHINGrefurbishing v. Present participle of refurbish.
refurbishing n. The act by which something is refurbished.
REFURBISHING n. the act of refurbishing.
REINSCRIBINGreinscribing v. Present participle of reinscribe.
SUBIRRIGATEDsubirrigated v. Simple past tense and past participle of subirrigate.
SUBIRRIGATE v. to irrigate by underground pipes.
SUBIRRIGATESsubirrigates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of subirrigate.
SUBIRRIGATE v. to irrigate by underground pipes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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