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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing B, 2E, I, 2O and R

AEROEMBOLISMaeroembolism n. An embolism that results from the introduction, (or the formation under reduced pressure) of air bubbles in the blood.
AEROEMBOLISM n. sickness caused by exposure to rapidly lowered air pressure.
ANAEROBIOSESanaerobioses n. Plural of anaerobiosis.
ANAEROBIOSIS n. life in the absence of air or free oxygen.
BONBONNIERESbonbonnieres n. Plural of bonbonniere.
BONBONNIERE n. (French) a fancy box for holding sweets.
BOURGEOISIESbourgeoisies n. Plural of bourgeoisie.
BOURGEOISIE n. (French) the middle classes.
BOUTONNIERESboutonnieres n. Plural of boutonniere.
boutonnières n. Plural of boutonnière.
BOUTONNIERE n. (French) a flower for the buttonhole, etc.
BROODINESSESBROODINESS n. the state of being broody.
BUFFOONERIESbuffooneries n. Plural of buffoonery.
BUFFOONERY n. foolish or playful behavior.
CEREBROTONIAcerebrotonia n. In the somatotype theories of William Herbert Sheldon, an intellectual personality type characterised…
CEREBROTONIA n. the temperament associated with ectomorphic body type characterized by introversion and hypersensitivity.
CEREBROTONICcerebrotonic adj. Designating a personality type characterised as intellectual, introverted, and emotionally restrained.
cerebrotonic n. A person who has this personality type.
CEREBROTONIC n. someone with a personality characterized by shyness, introspection, and emotional restraint.
DEOXYRIBOSESdeoxyriboses n. Plural of deoxyribose.
DEOXYRIBOSE n. a pentose sugar obtained by the hydrolysis of DNA, also DESOXYRIBOSE.
DESOXYRIBOSEdesoxyribose n. (Biochemistry) Alternative spelling of deoxyribose.
DESOXYRIBOSE n. a pentose sugar obtained by the hydrolysis of DNA, also DEOXYRIBOSE.
EMBOURGEOISEembourgeoise v. (Transitive) To make bourgeois; to gentrify.
embourgeoisé adj. Made or become bourgeois.
EMBOURGEOISE v. to cause to become bourgeois or middle-class.
EMBRYOLOGIESembryologies n. Plural of embryology.
EMBRYOLOGY n. the science which relates to the formation and development of the embryo in animals and plants.
EMBRYOTOMIESembryotomies n. Plural of embryotomy.
EMBRYOTOMY n. the cutting a fetus into pieces within the womb, so as to effect its removal.
EVERBLOOMINGeverblooming adj. Describes a plant that blooms throughout the growing season.
EVERBLOOMING adj. always in bloom.
GOOSEBERRIESgooseberries n. Plural of gooseberry.
GOOSEBERRY n. the small oval fruit (usually green) of the gooseberry-bush, a prickly shrub of the saxifrage family.
THEOBROMINEStheobromines n. Plural of theobromine.
THEOBROMINE n. an alkaloid obtained from the chocolate seed, used in medicine.
TIMBERDOODLEtimberdoodle n. The American woodcock (Scolopax minor).
TIMBERDOODLE n. the North American woodcock.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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