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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing B, 2E, G, I, M and S

ABRIDGEMENTSabridgements n. Plural of abridgement.
ABRIDGEMENT n. the act of abridging, also ABRIDGMENT.
BECOMINGNESSbecomingness n. The state or quality of being becoming (pleasingly suitable).
BECOMINGNESS n. the state of being becoming.
BEGUILEMENTSbeguilements n. Plural of beguilement.
BEGUILEMENT n. the state of being beguiled.
BEMONSTERINGbemonstering v. Present participle of bemonster.
BEMONSTER v. (archaic) to make monstrous or like a monster.
BENIGHTMENTSbenightments n. Plural of benightment.
BENIGHTMENT n. the state of being benighted.
BESIEGEMENTSbesiegements n. Plural of besiegement.
BESIEGEMENT n. the state of being besieged.
DISEMBRANGLEdisembrangle v. (Obsolete, transitive) To free from wrangling or litigation.
DISEMBRANGLE v. (obsolete) to free from dispute.
DISMEMBERINGdismembering v. Present participle of dismember.
dismembering n. The act or process whereby something is dismembered.
DISMEMBER v. to cut or tear a body limb from limb.
EMBELLISHINGembellishing v. Present participle of embellish.
embellishing n. An embellishment.
EMBELLISH v. to add beauty to.
EMBITTERINGSembitterings n. Plural of embittering.
EMBITTERING n. the act of making bitter.
EMBOURGEOISEembourgeoise v. (Transitive) To make bourgeois; to gentrify.
embourgeoisé adj. Made or become bourgeois.
EMBOURGEOISE v. to cause to become bourgeois or middle-class.
EMBRYOGENIESembryogenies n. Plural of embryogeny.
EMBRYOGENY n. the production and development of an embryo.
EMBRYOLOGIESembryologies n. Plural of embryology.
EMBRYOLOGY n. the science which relates to the formation and development of the embryo in animals and plants.
GREENBACKISMgreenbackism n. A movement advocating for the inflation of the US currency.
GREENBACKISM n. the advocation of a paper currency backed only by the United States government.
HUMBUGGERIEShumbuggeries n. Plural of humbuggery.
HUMBUGGERY n. deception.
MAGNETISABLEmagnetisable adj. (British spelling) Alternative form of magnetizable.
MAGNETISABLE adj. able to be magnetised, also MAGNETIZABLE.
MISBELIEVINGmisbelieving v. Present participle of misbelieve.
misbelieving n. The refusal to believe something; disbelief, or an instance of this.
MISBELIEVE v. to hold a false or unorthodox belief.
MISBESEEMINGmisbeseeming v. Present participle of misbeseem.
MISBESEEM v. (archaic) to be unsuited to.
REASSEMBLINGreassembling v. Present participle of reassemble.
REASSEMBLE v. to assemble again.
SUBMERGIBLESsubmergibles n. Plural of submergible.
SUBMERGIBLE n. a vessel used for undersea exploration or maintenance, also SUBMERSIBLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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