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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing B, D, E, H, 2R and T

BIRDWATCHERSbirdwatchers n. Plural of birdwatcher.
bird␣watchers n. Plural of bird watcher.
BIRDWATCHER n. one who watches birds as a hobby.
BROTHERHOODSbrotherhoods n. Plural of brotherhood.
BROTHERHOOD n. the state of being brothers.
BUTCHERBIRDSbutcherbirds n. Plural of butcherbird.
butcher␣birds n. Plural of butcher bird.
BUTCHERBIRD n. the shrike.
CARBOHYDRATEcarbohydrate n. (Organic chemistry, nutrition) A sugar, starch, or cellulose that is a food source of energy for an animal or plant.
carbohydrate n. (Colloquial, by extension, metonymically) Any food rich in starch or other carbohydrates.
CARBOHYDRATE n. a compound of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen; extended to similar compounds, the sugars and starches which form the main source of energy in food.
HAIRBREADTHShairbreadths n. Plural of hairbreadth.
HAIRBREADTH n. the breadth of a hair; a minute distance, also HAIRSBREADTH.
HAIRSBREADTHhairsbreadth n. A very short distance or a very small amount (as is the width of a hair).
hair's␣breadth n. A very small amount or distance.
HAIRSBREADTH n. the breadth of a hair; a minute distance, also HAIRBREADTH.
MOTHERBOARDSmotherboards n. Plural of motherboard.
MOTHERBOARD n. the board containing the main circuits of an electronic device, especially in computers.
MOUTHBREEDERmouthbreeder n. (Zoology) Synonym of mouthbrooder.
MOUTHBREEDER n. a fish that carries eggs and young in its mouth, also MOUTHBROODER.
MOUTHBROODERmouthbrooder n. (Zoology) Any animal that cares for its offspring, either eggs or juveniles, by holding them in its…
MOUTHBROODER n. a cichlid fish that carries its young in its mouth for protection, also MOUTHBREEDER.
OVERBREATHEDoverbreathed adj. Breathed too much, or by too many people.
REHYDRATABLErehydratable adj. Capable of being rehydrated.
REHYDRATABLE adj. capable of being rehydrated.
STRAIGHTBREDstraightbred adj. Produced by breeding from a single breed, variety or species.
straightbred n. Any organism produced by breeding from a single breed, variety, or species.
STRAIGHTBRED n. an animal produced by breeding a single breed, strain, or type.
SUBCHARTEREDSUBCHARTER v. to rent a chartered vehicle.
THOROUGHBREDthoroughbred adj. Bred from pure stock.
thoroughbred adj. Well-bred and properly educated.
thoroughbred n. Alternative letter-case form of Thoroughbred (“horse bred for racing”).
THREADBARESTthreadbarest adj. Superlative form of threadbare: most threadbare.
THREADBARE adj. having the nap worn off so that the thread shows.
THUNDERBIRDSthunderbirds n. Plural of thunderbird.
Thunderbirds n. Plural of Thunderbird.
THUNDERBIRD n. in North American Indian lore, a huge bird personifying thunder and lightning.
TURBOCHARGEDturbocharged adj. Having a turbocharger.
turbocharged v. Simple past tense and past participle of turbocharge.
TURBOCHARGED adj. equipped with a turbocharger.
UNDERBREATHSunderbreaths n. Plural of underbreath.
UNDERBREATH n. subdued voice; rumour.
WEATHERBOARDweatherboard n. (Nautical) The windward side of a vessel.
weatherboard n. (Nautical) A plank placed over an opening to keep out driven water.
weatherboard n. Any of a series of horizontal boards used to cover the exterior of a timber-framed building; clapboard.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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