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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 15 twelve-letter words containing B, C, 2L, 2O and T

BATTOLOGICALbattological adj. Exhibiting or relating to battology.
BATTOLOGICAL adj. pertaining to battology, unnecessarily repetitive writing or speaking.
BLASTOCOELESblastocoeles n. Plural of blastocoele.
BLASTOCOELE n. the cavity inside a blastula, also BLASTOCOEL.
BLASTOCOELICblastocoelic adj. Relating to a blastocoel.
BLASTOCOELIC adj. of or like a blastocoel.
COLLABORATEDcollaborated v. Simple past tense and past participle of collaborate.
COLLABORATE v. to work jointly with others or together esp. in an intellectual endeavor.
COLLABORATEScollaborates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of collaborate.
COLLABORATE v. to work jointly with others or together esp. in an intellectual endeavor.
COLLABORATORcollaborator n. A person who works with others towards a common goal.
collaborator n. A person who cooperates traitorously with an enemy.
COLLABORATOR n. one who collaborates.
COLORABILITYcolorability n. The state or condition of being colorable.
colorability n. (Chemistry) The ability of a colorless photochromic material to develop color.
COLORABILITY n. the quality of being colorable, also COLOURABILITY.
CONGLOBULATEconglobulate v. (Rare, intransitive) To collect together into a compact round mass.
CONGLOBULATE v. to form into a ball.
CONTROLLABLEcontrollable adj. Able to be controlled; subject to regulation or command.
controllable n. (Business) Any factor that can be controlled.
CONTROLLABLE adj. able to be controlled.
CONTROLLABLYcontrollably adv. In a controllable manner.
CONTROLLABLE adv. able to be controlled.
LOCOMOBILITYlocomobility n. (Biology) The ability to locomote, or move one’s body from one place to another.
LOCOMOBILITY n. having the power of changing places.
OBLANCEOLATEoblanceolate adj. (Botany, of leaves) Of a reversed lanceolate shape: attached to the stem by the pointed end, with the…
OBLANCEOLATE adj. of e.g. a leaf, like a lance-head reversed.
OCTOSYLLABICoctosyllabic adj. Containing eight syllables.
OCTOSYLLABIC adj. consisting of eight syllables.
OCTOSYLLABIC n. an octosyllabic line.
OCTOSYLLABLEoctosyllable n. (Poetry) line of verse with eight syllables.
OCTOSYLLABLE n. a word or line of eight syllables.
TRIBOLOGICALtribological adj. Of or pertaining to tribology.
TRIBOLOGICAL adj. relating to tribology.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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