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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing B, C, I, O, 2R and T

BAROMETRICALbarometrical adj. (Archaic) Relating to, or observed with, a barometer, barometric.
BAROMETRICAL adj. as measured by a barometer, also BAROMETRIC.
CARBURATIONScarburations n. Plural of carburation; Alternative spelling of carburetions.
CARBURATION n. combination with carbon.
CARBURETIONScarburetions n. Plural of carburetion.
CARBURETION n. the process of carburetting.
CEREBRATIONScerebrations n. Plural of cerebration.
CEREBRATION n. the unconscious action of the brain.
CEREBROTONIAcerebrotonia n. In the somatotype theories of William Herbert Sheldon, an intellectual personality type characterised…
CEREBROTONIA n. the temperament associated with ectomorphic body type characterized by introversion and hypersensitivity.
CEREBROTONICcerebrotonic adj. Designating a personality type characterised as intellectual, introverted, and emotionally restrained.
cerebrotonic n. A person who has this personality type.
CEREBROTONIC n. someone with a personality characterized by shyness, introspection, and emotional restraint.
CONTRIBUTARYcontributary adj. Obsolete form of contributory.
CONTRIBUTARY n. (obsolete) a person or thing that contributes, also CONTRIBUTORY.
CONTRIBUTORScontributors n. Plural of contributor.
CONTRIBUTOR n. one who contributes.
CONTRIBUTORYcontributory adj. Of, pertaining to, or involving a contribution.
contributory adj. Tending to contribute to a result.
contributory adj. (Obsolete) Paying tribute, tributary.
MICROTUBULARmicrotubular adj. Of or pertaining to microtubules.
MICROTUBULAR adj. of or like a microtubule.
ORBICULARITYorbicularity n. The quality of being orbicular.
ORBICULARITY n. the state of being orbicular.
ORTHORHOMBICorthorhombic adj. (Crystallography) Having three unequal axes at right angles.
ORTHORHOMBIC adj. three mutually perpendicular axes of different lengths.
PROTRACTIBLEprotractible adj. Able to be protracted or extended.
PROTRACTIBLE adj. able to be thrust out, also PROTRACTILE.
RUBRICATIONSrubrications n. Plural of rubrication.
RUBRICATION n. the act of rubricating.
SUBDIRECTORSsubdirectors n. Plural of subdirector.
SUBDIRECTOR n. one below a director.
SUBDIRECTORYsubdirectory n. (Computing) A directory located inside another directory.
TUBOCURARINEtubocurarine n. (Pharmacology) Synonym of tubocurarine chloride.
TUBOCURARINE n. a toxic alkaloid obtained from the stem of a South American vine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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