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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 13 twelve-letter words containing B, C, 2I, O and 2R

BARRICADOINGbarricadoing v. Present participle of barricado.
BARRICADO v. to barricade.
CHARBROILINGcharbroiling v. Present participle of charbroil.
CHARBROIL v. to broil over charcoal.
CORNBRAIDINGCORNBRAID v. to braid hair in cornrows, also CORNROW.
INCORRIGIBLEincorrigible adj. Defective and impossible to materially correct or set aright.
incorrigible adj. Incurably depraved; not reformable.
incorrigible adj. Impervious to correction by punishment or pain.
INCORRIGIBLYincorrigibly adv. In an incorrigible manner.
INCORRIGIBLE adv. incapable of being corrected or amended.
INCORRODIBLEincorrodible adj. Incapable of being corroded or eaten away.
INCORRODIBLE adj. not corrodible, also INCORROSIBLE.
LUMBRICIFORMlumbriciform adj. (Zoology) Resembling an earthworm; vermiform.
LUMBRICIFORM adj. shaped like a worm.
MICROBREWINGmicrobrewing n. Small-scale commercial brewing, as carried out in a microbrewery.
MICROBREWING n. production by a microbrew.
MICROFIBRILSmicrofibrils n. Plural of microfibril.
MICROFIBRIL n. a fine fibril.
MIXOBARBARICmixo-barbaric adj. (Archaic) Mixed with barbarous elements.
MIXOBARBARIC adj. part barbaric, part Greek.
ORBICULARITYorbicularity n. The quality of being orbicular.
ORBICULARITY n. the state of being orbicular.
RUBRICATIONSrubrications n. Plural of rubrication.
RUBRICATION n. the act of rubricating.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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