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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 9 twelve-letter words containing B, C, G, N, 2O and R

BLOWTORCHINGblowtorching v. Present participle of blowtorch.
BLOWTORCH v. to apply a blowtorch to.
BOOKCROSSINGbookcrossing v. Present participle of bookcross.
bookcrossing n. The practice of leaving a book in a public location to be found and read by others, who then do the same.
BOOKCROSSING n. the practice of leaving a book in a public location to be found and read by others, who then do the same.
BRONCHOGENICbronchogenic adj. Originating in the bronchus.
BRONCHOGENIC adj. of, relating to, or arising in or by way of the air passages of the lungs.
CARBONADOINGcarbonadoing v. Present participle of carbonado.
CARBONADO v. (Spanish) to broil on coals, also CARBONADE, CARBONNADE.
CHEMOSORBINGchemosorbing v. Present participle of chemosorb.
CHEMOSORB v. to adsorb by chemical action, also CHEMISORB.
CRYOGLOBULINcryoglobulin n. A protein that becomes insoluble at low temperatures.
CRYOGLOBULIN n. an immunoglobulin formed in the blood in certain diseases which forms obstructions in small blood vessels when the extremities are subjected to low temperatures.
ROADBLOCKINGroadblocking v. Present participle of roadblock.
ROADBLOCK v. to bar by means of a roadblock.
SCRAPBOOKINGscrapbooking n. The process of making a scrapbook.
scrapbooking v. Present participle of scrapbook.
SCRAPBOOKING n. the practice of keeping cuttings.
STOCKBROKINGstockbroking n. The profession of a stockbroker.
STOCKBROKING n. the business of a stockbroker.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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