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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 16 twelve-letter words containing B, C, E, H, I, R and U

BUCCANEERISHbuccaneerish adj. Like a buccaneer; piratical.
BUCCANEERISH adj. of or like a buccaneer.
BUNCHBERRIESbunchberries n. Plural of bunchberry.
BUNCHBERRY n. the dwarf cornel, which bears a dense cluster of bright red, edible berries.
BUTCHERBIRDSbutcherbirds n. Plural of butcherbird.
butcher␣birds n. Plural of butcher bird.
BUTCHERBIRD n. the shrike.
BUTCHERLIESTBUTCHERLY adj. like a butcher, savage, bloody.
CHERUBICALLYcherubically adv. In a cherubic way.
CHERUBICAL adv. like a cherub, also CHERUBIC.
CHORIAMBUSESchoriambuses n. Plural of choriambus.
CHORIAMBUS n. a metrical foot comprising a trochee and an iambus, also CHORIAMB, CHORIAMBIC.
COACHBUILDERcoachbuilder n. (Historical) A builder of horse-drawn coaches.
coachbuilder n. A person or company who makes and fits the bodywork of vehicles such as cars, buses and railway carriages.
COACHBUILDER n. a craftsman who builds the bodies of cars, lorries, railway carriages, etc.
COPUBLISHERScopublishers n. Plural of copublisher.
COPUBLISHER n. a joint publisher.
DEBAUCHERIESdebaucheries n. Plural of debauchery.
DEBAUCHERY n. the act of debauching.
HIBERNACULUMhibernaculum n. (Zoology) The place where a hibernating animal shelters for the winter.
hibernaculum n. (Botany) A bud, case, or protective covering that a plant uses to survive the challenging environmental…
HIBERNACULUM n. (Latin) a shelter occupied during the winter by a dormant animal (as an insect or reptile).
MOUCHARABIESmoucharabies n. Plural of moucharaby.
MOUCHARABY n. (Arabic) in North Africa, an external balcony enclosed with latticework.
MULTICHAMBERmultichamber adj. Composed of multiple chambers.
NIGHTCLUBBERnightclubber n. One who visits a nightclub.
NIGHTCLUBBER n. one who attends nightclubs.
SUBCHLORIDESsubchlorides n. Plural of subchloride.
SUBCHLORIDE n. a sub-compound of chloride.
SUPERBITCHESsuperbitches n. Plural of superbitch.
SUPERBITCH n. (offensive) a highly-placed aggressive female.
UNCHARITABLEuncharitable adj. Not charitable.
UNCHARITABLE adj. lacking in charity.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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