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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing B, C, 2E, 2O and S

BENTHOSCOPESBENTHOSCOPE n. a submersible sphere from which to study deep-sea life.
BIOECOLOGIESbioecologies n. Plural of bioecology.
BIOECOLOGY n. the study of interaction of life in the environment.
BIOMOLECULESbiomolecules n. Plural of biomolecule.
BIOMOLECULE n. an organic molecule and esp. a macromolecule (as a protein or nucleic acid) in living organisms.
BLASTOCOELESblastocoeles n. Plural of blastocoele.
BLASTOCOELE n. the cavity inside a blastula, also BLASTOCOEL.
COBBLESTONEDcobblestoned adj. Cobbled; laid with cobblestones.
cobblestoned adj. (Medicine) Exhibiting cobblestoning.
COBBLESTONE v. to pave with cobblestones.
COBBLESTONEScobblestones n. Plural of cobblestone.
COBBLESTONE v. to pave with cobblestones.
COLOURBREEDScolourbreeds v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of colourbreed.
COLOURBREED v. to breed (animals or plants) to be a particular colour, also COLORBREED.
COUNTERBOREScounterbores n. Plural of counterbore.
COUNTERBORE v. to form a counterbore in.
DECOMPOSABLEdecomposable adj. Able to be decomposed.
DECOMPOSABLE adj. that can be decomposed.
EBULLIOSCOPEebullioscope n. (Physics) An instrument used to measure the boiling point of liquids.
EBULLIOSCOPE n. an instrument for measuring the boiling point of liquids.
ECCALEOBIONSeccaleobions n. Plural of eccaleobion.
ECCALEOBION n. (historical) a kind of incubator.
FORECLOSABLEforeclosable adj. Capable of being foreclosed.
FORECLOSABLE adj. that can be foreclosed.
OBCOMPRESSEDobcompressed adj. Compressed or flattened anteroposteriorly, or in a way opposite to the usual one.
OBCOMPRESSED adj. flattened from front to back.
OBSOLESCENCEobsolescence n. (Uncountable) The state of being obsolete—no longer in use; gone into disuse; disused or neglected.
obsolescence n. (Countable) The process of becoming obsolete, outmoded or out of date.
OBSOLESCENCE n. the process of becoming obsolete or the condition of being nearly obsolete.
RHABDOCOELESRHABDOCOELE n. a turbellarian worm with an unbranched intestine.
SUBECONOMIESsubeconomies n. Plural of subeconomy.
SUBECONOMY n. the lower reaches of the economy.
TECHNOPHOBEStechnophobes n. Plural of technophobe.
TECHNOPHOBE n. one with a fear of technology.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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