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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 12 twelve-letter words containing B, 2C, N, O, R and S

ARBORESCENCEarborescence n. A tree-like structure.
arborescence n. (Graph theory) A directed rooted tree in which all vertices can be reached from the root.
ARBORESCENCE n. shape or growth like a tree's.
BACKCROSSINGbackcrossing n. (Genetics) The crossing of a hybrid with one of its parents or an individual genetically similar to its parent.
backcrossing v. Present participle of backcross.
BACKCROSS v. to create a cross between a hybrid and a parent.
BACTERIOCINSbacteriocins n. Plural of bacteriocin.
BACTERIOCIN n. an antibiotic (as colicin) produced by bacteria.
BRECCIATIONSbrecciations n. Plural of brecciation.
BRECCIATION n. the process of forming breccia.
BRONCHOSCOPEbronchoscope n. A form of endoscope for inspecting the bronchial tubes.
BRONCHOSCOPE n. an instrument for examining the windpipe.
BRONCHOSCOPYbronchoscopy n. (Medicine) A technique for viewing the bronchi using a flexible instrument called a bronchoscope.
BRONCHOSCOPY n. examination of the bronchi.
CARBONACEOUScarbonaceous adj. Of, relating to, rich in, or yielding carbon, or a compound of carbon.
CARBONACEOUS adj. coaly; containing much carbon.
CRAMBOCLINKSCRAMBOCLINK n. (Scots) rhyming doggerel.
CROSSBENCHERcrossbencher n. Alternative form of cross-bencher.
cross-bencher n. (Politics) A member of the British House of Lords or the Senate of Canada or Australia who sits on a…
CROSSBENCHER n. an independent member of the House of Lords.
CROSSBENCHEScrossbenches n. The seats in either house of the British parliament, or a similar assembly, used by members who do not…
cross-benches n. Plural of cross-bench.
CROSSBENCH n. a bench laid crosswise.
SNOBOCRACIESsnobocracies n. Plural of snobocracy.
SNOBOCRACY n. government by snobs.
SUBCONTRACTSsubcontracts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of subcontract.
SUBCONTRACT n. a contract between a party to an original contract and a third party.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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