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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing B, 2I, 2L, O and T

ABIOTICALLYabiotically adv. In an abiotic manner; in the absence of life.
ABIOTIC adv. devoid of or inimical to life.
ABOLITIONALabolitional adj. Relating to abolition.
ABOLITIONAL adj. relating to abolition, also ABOLITIONARY.
BELLICOSITYbellicosity n. The characteristic of being bellicose.
BELLICOSITY n. the state of being bellicose.
BIBLIOLATERbibliolater n. A worshipper of books, especially the Bible.
BIBLIOLATER n. one having excessive reverence for the Bible as literally interpreted; one with extravagant devotion to or dependence upon books.
BIBLIOLATRYbibliolatry n. Excessive admiration for a book.
bibliolatry n. Specifically, excessive reverence for, or worship of, the Bible or Koran, especially as taken literally.
BIBLIOLATRY n. worship of the Bible or other books.
BIFOLIOLATEbifoliolate adj. (Botany) Having two leaflets, as some compound leaves do.
BIFOLIOLATE adj. having two leaflets.
BILLPOSTINGbillposting n. The sticking of posters, notices and advertisements on walls.
BILLPOSTING n. the act of posting a bill.
BULLIONISTSbullionists n. Plural of bullionist.
BULLIONIST n. one in favour of metallic currency.
COILABILITYcoilability n. The quality of being coilable.
COILABILITY n. the ability to form coils.
EBULLITIONSebullitions n. Plural of ebullition.
EBULLITION n. the act, process or state of boiling or bubbling up; a sudden violent outburst or display.
LIBRATIONALlibrational adj. Of or pertaining to libration.
LIBRATIONAL adj. relating to libration, a slight swinging motion.
LOBTAILINGSLOBTAILING n. the slapping of a whale's tail against the surface of the water.
LOVEABILITYLOVEABILITY n. the state of being loveable, also LOVABILITY.
MOLDABILITYmoldability n. The property of being moldable.
MOLDABILITY n. the quality of being moldable, also MOULDABILITY.
SOLVABILITYsolvability n. Capability of being solved.
solvability n. The condition of being solvent; ability to pay debts; solvency.
SOLVABILITY n. the ability to be solved.
THIOBACILLIthiobacilli n. Plural of thiobacillus.
THIOBACILLUS n. any of several rod-shaped bacteria that derive energy from the oxidation of sulphur or sulphur compounds.
TOURBILLIONtourbillion n. (Archaic) An ornamental firework that turns round in the air so as to form a scroll of fire.
TOURBILLION n. (French) a whirlwind; any whirling object, also TOURBILLON.
VIOLABILITYviolability n. The quality of being violable.
VIOLABILITY n. the capacity to be violated.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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