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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 13 eleven-letter words containing B, 3I, L, R and S

ARABILITIESARABILITY n. the ability to be ploughed.
BILIVERDINSbiliverdins n. Plural of biliverdin.
BILIVERDIN n. a green pigment present in the bile.
BIRACIALISMbiracialism n. A situation where two races of people are segregated.
BIRACIALISM n. the state of being biracial.
EQUILIBRISTequilibrist n. (Archaic) A tightrope walker.
EQUILIBRIST n. a tightrope walker.
FEBRILITIESfebrilities n. Plural of febrility.
FEBRILITY n. feverishness.
IMMOBILISERimmobiliser n. Something or someone that immobilises.
IMMOBILISER n. a device for preventing an engine from being started, also IMMOBILIZER.
LIBERTINISMlibertinism n. A lifestyle or pattern of behavior characterized by self-indulgence and lack of restraint, especially…
LIBERTINISM n. the state of being libertine.
LUBRICITIESlubricities n. Plural of lubricity.
LUBRICITY n. slipperiness; lewdness.
MIRABILISESmirabilises n. Plural of mirabilis.
MIRABILIS n. (short for) aqua mirabilis, a hydrated form of sodium sulphate.
RINSABILITYRINSABILITY n. the quality of being rinsable, also RINSIBILITY.
RINSIBILITYRINSIBILITY n. the quality of being rinsible, also RINSABILITY.
TORSIBILITYtorsibility n. The tendency of a rope etc. to untwist after being twisted.
TORSIBILITY n. the ability to be twisted or subjected to torsion.
TRIBALISTICtribalistic adj. Pertaining to tribalism.
TRIBALISTIC adj. like a tribalist.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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