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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing B, G, H, I, N, O and R

BESCORCHINGbescorching v. Present participle of bescorch.
BESCORCH v. to scorch thoroughly.
BESHROUDINGbeshrouding v. Present participle of beshroud.
BESHROUD v. to cover with, or as with, a shroud.
BIOGRAPHINGbiographing v. Present participle of biograph.
BIOGRAPH v. to write a biography of.
HERBORISINGherborising v. Present participle of herborise.
HERBORISE v. to search for plants, or new species of plants, with a view to classifying them, also HERBORIZE.
HERBORIZINGherborizing v. Present participle of herborize.
herborizing n. A botanical expedition for the purpose of finding and classifying plant species.
HERBORIZE v. to search for plants, or new species of plants, with a view to classifying them, also HERBORISE.
HERRINGBONEherringbone n. A bone of a herring.
herringbone n. A zigzag pattern, especially made by bricks, on a cloth, or by stitches in sewing.
herringbone n. (Skiing) A method of climbing a hill by pointing the skis outward in a V-shape to keep from sliding backwards.
HOBGOBLINRYhobgoblinry n. Tales or folklore involving hobgoblins.
HOBGOBLINRY n. the state of being a hobgoblin, also HOBGOBLINISM.
KOURBASHINGkourbashing v. Present participle of kourbash.
KOURBASH v. (Arabic) to whip with a hide whip, also KURBASH.
NEGROPHOBIANegrophobia n. (Somewhat derogatory) Fear, hate, or dislike of black people of any descent, usually Africans.
NEIGHBORINGneighboring adj. (American spelling) Situated or living nearby or adjacent to.
neighboring v. (American spelling) present participle of neighbor.
NEIGHBOR v. to live close by, border on, also NEIGHBOUR.
NEIGHBOUREDneighboured n. (Obsolete) The state or condition of being a neighbour; neighbourhood; neighbourship.
neighboured v. Simple past tense and past participle of neighbour.
NEIGHBOUR v. to live close by, border on, also NEIGHBOR.
NEIGHBOURLYneighbourly adj. (Britain, Canada) Showing the qualities of a friendly and helpful neighbour.
NEIGHBOURLY adj. like a neighbour, also NEIGHBORLY.
PROHIBITINGprohibiting v. Present participle of prohibit.
PROHIBIT v. to forbid with authority.
THROBBINGLYthrobbingly adv. In a throbbing way.
THROBBING adv. pulsating.
THROMBOSINGthrombosing v. Present participle of thrombose.
THROMBOSE v. to cause thrombosis in.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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