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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing B, E, O, 2S and 2T

ABSTENTIONSabstentions n. Plural of abstention.
ABSTENTION n. the act of abstaining.
ABSTENTIOUSabstentious adj. Characterized by abstinence; self-restraint.
ABSTENTIOUS adj. given to abstaining.
BAROTITISESBAROTITIS n. inflammation and pain in the ear caused by pressure changes, esp. during air travel.
BESTOWMENTSbestowments n. Plural of bestowment.
BESTOWMENT n. the act of giving or bestowing.
BIRTHSTONESbirthstones n. Plural of birthstone.
BIRTHSTONE n. a gemstone associated symbolically with the month of one's birth.
BLOTTESQUESblottesques n. Plural of blottesque.
BLOTTESQUE n. a daub.
BONESETTERSbonesetters n. Plural of bonesetter.
BONESETTER n. one who sets broken or dislocated bones.
BOTTLENOSESbottlenoses n. Plural of bottlenose.
bottle-noses n. Plural of bottle-nose.
BOTTLENOSE n. a kind of whale or dolphin.
CROSSBITTENcrossbitten v. Past participle of crossbite.
cross-bitten v. Past participle of cross-bite.
CROSSBITE v. to swindle.
ESTRIBUTORSESTRIBUTOR n. a person or organization that helps an author publish and distribute his or her own work in electronic form.
OBSTRUCTERSobstructers n. Plural of obstructer.
OBSTRUCTER n. one who obstructs, also OBSTRUCTOR.
OSTEOBLASTSosteoblasts n. Plural of osteoblast.
OSTEOBLAST n. one of the protoplasmic cells from or around which the matrix of the bone is developed.
OUTBLUSTERSoutblusters v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outbluster.
OUTBLUSTER v. to surpass in bluster.
SOUBRETTISHsoubrettish adj. Like a soubrette; cheeky and mischievous.
SOUBRETTISH adj. like a soubrette, pert, flirtatious.
STEREOBATESstereobates n. Plural of stereobate.
STEREOBATE n. a substructure foundation.
STILBESTROLstilbestrol n. (Pharmacology) Alternative form of diethylstilbestrol.
STILBESTROL n. (US) a synthetic oestrogen, also STILBOESTROL.
STROBILATESstrobilates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of strobilate.
STROBILATE v. to undergo strobilation.
STUBBORNESTstubbornest adj. Superlative form of stubborn: most stubborn.
STUBBORN adj. obstinate.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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