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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing B, E, O, 3R and T

BARNSTORMERbarnstormer n. One who barnstorms.
BARNSTORMER n. one who barnstorms.
BARRENWORTSbarrenworts n. Plural of barrenwort.
BARRENWORT n. a herbaceous plant of the Barberry family, having leaves that are bitter and said to be sudorific.
BROTHERLIERBROTHERLY adj. like a brother.
CARBURETORScarburetors n. Plural of carburetor.
CARBURETOR n. an apparatus for charging a gas with carbon compounds, also CARBURETER, CARBURETTER, CARBURETTOR.
CARBURETTORcarburettor n. (Automotive, Australia, New Zealand, UK) Alternative spelling of carburetor (“device in an internal…
CARBURETTOR n. an apparatus for charging a gas with carbon compounds, also CARBURETER, CARBURETOR, CARBURETTER.
CORROBORATEcorroborate v. (Transitive) To confirm or support something with additional evidence; to attest or vouch for.
corroborate v. (Transitive) To make strong; to strengthen.
CORROBORATE v. to support with evidence or authority.
INTERBROKERINTERBROKER adj. of a transaction, between brokers.
PERTURBATORperturbator n. Something that perturbates.
PERTURBATOR n. one who perturbates.
REPROBATERSreprobaters n. Plural of reprobater.
REPROBATER n. one who reprobates.
REPROBATORSreprobators n. Plural of reprobator.
REPROBATOR n. (Scots) in Scots law, an action to prove a witness perjured or biased.
REPROBATORYreprobatory adj. Reprobative.
REPROBATORY adj. condemnatory, also REPROBATIVE.
RETRIBUTORSretributors n. Plural of retributor.
RETRIBUTOR n. one engaging in retribution.
RETRIBUTORYretributory adj. Of or relating to retribution; of the nature of retribution; involving retribution or repayment.
RETRIBUTORY adj. relating to retribution.
RETROBULBARretrobulbar adj. (Anatomy) Behind the medulla oblongata.
RETROBULBAR adj. behind the eyeball.
REVERBATORYreverbatory adj. Alternative form of reverberatory.
reverbatory n. Alternative form of reverberatory.
REVERBATORY n. a furnace in which the flames are made to pass over the substance being heated; a reverberatory furnace or kiln.
TORCHBEARERtorchbearer n. A person who carries a torch (flaming brand).
torchbearer n. (By extension) The leader of a campaign, or one who gives inspiration to others.
TORCHBEARER n. one that carries a torch.
TRANSBORDERtransborder adj. Beyond the border, on the other side of the border.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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