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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing B, E, M, 2R, S and U

BREADCRUMBSbreadcrumbs n. Plural of breadcrumb.
breadcrumbs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of breadcrumb.
bread␣crumbs n. Plural of bread crumb.
BRESSUMMERSbressummers n. Plural of bressummer.
BRESSUMMER n. a beam supporting a wall over an opening, also BREASTSUMMER.
BUMFREEZERSbumfreezers n. Plural of bumfreezer.
BUMFREEZER n. a short jacket.
BURGOMASTERburgomaster n. The mayor, or head magistrate, of a town in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and certain other countries.
BURGOMASTER n. (Dutch) the mayor of a Dutch or Flemish town.
DRUMBEATERSdrumbeaters n. Plural of drumbeater.
DRUMBEATER n. one who makes drumbeats.
DRUMBLEDORSDRUMBLEDOR n. a large flying beetle, also DUMBLEDORE.
LUMBERYARDSlumberyards n. Plural of lumberyard.
lumber␣yards n. Plural of lumber yard.
LUMBERYARD n. a yard where a stock of lumber is kept for sale.
MORBIFEROUSmorbiferous adj. Morbific; causing disease.
MORBIFEROUS adj. disease-bringing.
MURDERBALLSMURDERBALL n. a form of rugby played in wheelchairs by people afflicted with quadriplegia.
REIMBURSERSreimbursers n. Plural of reimburser.
REIMBURSER n. one who reimburses.
REIMBURSINGreimbursing v. Present participle of reimburse.
REIMBURSE v. to repay.
SUBMARINERSsubmariners n. Plural of submariner.
SUBMARINER n. one who works in a submarine.
SUPERBOMBERsuperbomber n. A bomber aircraft with a large bomb-carrying capacity.
SUPERBOMBER n. a very large bomber.
UMBRIFEROUSumbriferous adj. Casting or making a shade; umbrageous.
UMBRIFEROUS adj. giving or bearing shade.
UNSCRAMBLERunscrambler n. That which unscrambles; a device for decoding a scrambled signal.
UNSCRAMBLER n. one who unscrambles.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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