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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing B, E, L, N, R and 2U

BLUNDERBUSSblunderbuss n. An old style of muzzleloading firearm and early form of shotgun with a distinctive short, large caliber…
blunderbuss v. (Transitive) To shoot with a blunderbuss.
BLUNDERBUSS n. an old-fashioned gun.
BURLESQUINGburlesquing v. Present participle of burlesque.
burlesquing n. An instance of burlesque.
BURLESQUE v. to make a burlesque of.
GUBERNACULAgubernacula n. Plural of gubernaculum.
GUBERNACULUM n. in mammals, the cord supporting the testicles in the scrotal sac.
PUNCTURABLEpuncturable adj. That can be punctured.
PUNCTURABLE adj. that can be punctured.
TUBERCULINStuberculins n. Plural of tuberculin.
TUBERCULIN n. a fluid containing the products formed by the growth of the tubercle bacillus in a suitable culture medium.
TURBULENCESturbulences n. Plural of turbulence.
TURBULENCE n. the state of being turbulent, also TURBULENCY.
TURBULENTLYturbulently adv. In a turbulent manner.
TURBULENT adv. tumultuous, violently disturbed.
TURNBUCKLESturnbuckles n. Plural of turnbuckle.
TURNBUCKLE n. a coupling with screw threads for adjusting tension.
UNCRUSHABLEuncrushable adj. Not crushable; that cannot be crushed.
UNCRUSHABLE adj. not crushable.
UNDERBUILDSunderbuilds v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of underbuild.
UNDERBUILD v. to build under in support; to build too little.
UNENDURABLEunendurable adj. Not to be endured; intolerable.
UNENDURABLE adj. that cannot be endured.
UNENDURABLYunendurably adv. In an unendurable manner; intolerably.
UNENDURABLE adv. that cannot be endured.
UNINSURABLEuninsurable adj. Not insurable; unable to be insured.
uninsurable n. A person or thing that cannot be insured.
UNINSURABLE adj. not capable of being insured.
UNREDUCIBLEunreducible adj. Not reducible.
UNREDUCIBLE adj. not reducible.
UNUTTERABLEunutterable adj. Not utterable; incapable of being physically spoken or voiced; unpronounceable.
unutterable adj. Incapable of being articulated or expressed; indescribable, inexpressible.
unutterable adj. Not allowed to be spoken; taboo, unspeakable.
UNUTTERABLYunutterably adv. In an unutterable manner; inexpressibly.
UNUTTERABLE adv. that cannot be uttered, also INUTTERABLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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