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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing B, E, I, 2R, S and W

BIOWARFARESSorry, definition not available.
BOWDLERISERbowdleriser n. Alternative form of bowdlerizer.
BOWDLERISER n. one who bowdlerises, also BOWDLERIZER.
BRAINPOWERSbrainpowers n. Plural of brainpower.
BRAINPOWER n. intellectual ability.
BRAINWASHERbrainwasher n. Agent noun of brainwash; one who brainwashes.
BRAINWASHER n. one who brainwashes.
BRIDGEWORKSbridgeworks n. Plural of bridgework.
BRIDGEWORK n. a dental bridge.
CROWBERRIEScrowberries n. Plural of crowberry.
CROWBERRY n. a low creeping moorland shrub with small black berries.
DRAWBRIDGESdrawbridges n. Plural of drawbridge.
draw␣bridges n. Plural of draw bridge.
DRAWBRIDGE n. a bridge that can be drawn up or let down as required.
SNOWBERRIESsnowberries n. Plural of snowberry.
SNOWBERRY n. the white berry of a North American shrub of the honeysuckle family.
SWEETBRIARSsweetbriars n. Plural of sweetbriar.
SWEETBRIAR n. a wild rose with fragrant foliage, also SWEETBRIER.
SWEETBRIERSsweetbriers n. Plural of sweetbrier.
SWEETBRIER n. a wild rose with fragrant foliage, also SWEETBRIAR.
TIMBERWORKStimberworks n. Plural of timberwork.
TIMBERWORK n. work made of timbers.
TWINBERRIEStwinberries n. Plural of twinberry.
TWINBERRY n. a shrubby North American honeysuckle.
WATERBRAINSWATERBRAIN n. a disease of sheep, aka gid.
WEAVERBIRDSweaverbirds n. Plural of weaverbird.
WEAVERBIRD n. a weaver finch.
WHIMBERRIESwhimberries n. Plural of whimberry.
WHIMBERRY n. the bilberry or whortleberry, so called because it grows on moors among the whins, or furze, also WHINBERRY.
WHINBERRIESwhinberries n. Plural of whinberry.
WHINBERRY n. the bilberry or whortleberry, so called because it grows on moors among the whins, or furze, also WHIMBERRY.
WINEBERRIESwineberries n. Plural of wineberry.
WINEBERRY n. the red currant.
WOLFBERRIESwolfberries n. Plural of wolfberry.
WOLFBERRY n. an American shrub which bears soft white berries.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 65 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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