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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 11 eleven-letter words containing B, E, I, 3R and T

ARBITRAGERSarbitragers n. Plural of arbitrager.
ARBITRAGER n. one who carries out arbitrage, also ARBITRAGEUR.
ARBITRAGEURarbitrageur n. (Finance) One who engages in arbitrage, such as a financial broker or an investment bank.
ARBITRAGEUR n. one who makes profit by dealing on the stock exchange, also ARBITRAGER.
BERRYFRUITSBERRYFRUIT n. a fruit in the form of a berry.
BROTHERLIERBROTHERLY adj. like a brother.
BULLTERRIERbullterrier n. Alternative spelling of bull terrier.
bull-terrier n. Alternative spelling of bull terrier.
bull␣terrier n. A medium-sized dog of a breed that is a cross between bulldog and terrier.
INTERBROKERINTERBROKER adj. of a transaction, between brokers.
RETRIBUTORSretributors n. Plural of retributor.
RETRIBUTOR n. one engaging in retribution.
RETRIBUTORYretributory adj. Of or relating to retribution; of the nature of retribution; involving retribution or repayment.
RETRIBUTORY adj. relating to retribution.
TRAINBEARERtrainbearer n. One who holds up a train, as of a robe.
trainbearer n. Either of two species of long-tailed hummingbirds in the genus Lesbia, found in tropical South America.
train-bearer n. An attendant who supports the train of a dignitary.
TRANSCRIBERtranscriber n. A person who transcribes; a transcriptionist.
transcriber n. (Computing) A device or program that transcribes data.
TRANSCRIBER n. one who transcribes.
WINTERBERRYwinterberry n. A species of holly native to the United States and Canada and producing red berries, Ilex verticillata.
winterberry n. The fruit of this plant.
WINTERBERRY n. a name given to several shrubs of the genus Ilex, growing in the eastern parts of North America.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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