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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 11 eleven-letter words containing B, E, I, P and 3S

BISHOPESSESbishopesses n. Plural of bishopess.
BISHOPESS n. a female bishop.
BUMPINESSESbumpinesses n. Plural of bumpiness.
BUMPINESS n. the state of being bumpy.
DISPOSABLESdisposables n. Plural of disposable.
DISPOSABLE n. something that is disposable.
IMPOSSIBLESimpossibles n. Plural of impossible.
IMPOSSIBLE n. an impossible thing.
PRESBYCUSISpresbycusis n. (Otolaryngology, pathology) Inability of the ears, due to aging, to perceive and focus on high-pitched sounds.
PRESBYCUSIS n. progressive loss of hearing with advancing old age, also PRESBYACOUSIS, PRESBYACUSIS, PRESBYCOUSIS.
PROBOSCISESproboscises n. Plural of proboscis.
PROBOSCIS n. an elongated organ, usually associated with the mouth.
PROBUSINESSprobusiness adj. In favour of business.
pro-business adj. Alternative spelling of probusiness.
PROBUSINESS adj. in favour of business.
SPICEBUSHESspicebushes n. Plural of spicebush.
SPICEBUSH n. a pungently aromatic North American shrub of the laurel family.
SUBPRIORESSsubprioress n. A female subprior.
SUBPRIORESS n. an assistant prioress.
SUSPENSIBLEsuspensible adj. Capable of being suspended or held from sinking.
SUSPENSIBLE adj. that can be suspended, also SUSPENDIBLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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