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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing B, E, I, N, P and 2S

ANABAPTISESanabaptises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of anabaptise.
ANABAPTISE v. to rebaptise, also ANABAPTIZE.
BESPRINKLESbesprinkles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of besprinkle.
BESPRINKLE v. to sprinkle over; to scatter over.
BUMPINESSESbumpinesses n. Plural of bumpiness.
BUMPINESS n. the state of being bumpy.
DISPENSABLEdispensable adj. Able to be done without; able to be expended; easily replaced.
dispensable adj. Capable of being dispensed; distributable.
dispensable adj. (Of a law, rule, vow, etc.) Subject to dispensation; possible to relax, exempt from, or annul.
DISPENSABLYDISPENSABLE adv. that can be dispensed with.
MONOBLEPSISmonoblepsis n. (Pathology) A defect of vision that is evident only if both eyes are open.
MONOBLEPSIS n. a condition in which vision is more distinct when one eye only is used.
PLIABLENESSpliableness n. The state of being pliable; pliability.
PLIABLENESS n. the quality of being pliable.
PREBLESSINGpreblessing v. Present participle of prebless.
PREBLESS v. to bless beforehand.
PROBUSINESSprobusiness adj. In favour of business.
pro-business adj. Alternative spelling of probusiness.
PROBUSINESS adj. in favour of business.
RESPONSIBLEresponsible adj. (Postpositive, followed by "for") Having the duty of taking care of something; answerable for an act…
responsible adj. (Postpositive, followed by "for") Being a primary cause of a situation or action and thus able to be…
responsible adj. (Followed by "to") Answerable to (a superior).
RESPONSIBLYresponsibly adv. In a responsible manner.
RESPONSIBLE adv. liable to be called to account as being in charge or control; answerable, also SPONSIBLE.
SUBCEPTIONSSUBCEPTION n. subliminal perception.
SUBREPTIONSsubreptions n. Plural of subreption.
SUBREPTION n. a deliberate misrepresentation; an inference drawn from it.
SUPERBRAINSsuperbrains n. Plural of superbrain.
SUPERBRAIN n. an extraordinary intelligence.
SUSPENDIBLESUSPENDIBLE adj. that can be suspended, also SUSPENSIBLE.
SUSPENSIBLEsuspensible adj. Capable of being suspended or held from sinking.
SUSPENSIBLE adj. that can be suspended, also SUSPENDIBLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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