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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing B, E, I, 2L, N and O

BIDONVILLESbidonvilles n. Plural of bidonville.
BIDONVILLE n. (French) a shanty town with dwellings made from oil-drums.
BILLIONAIREbillionaire n. Somebody whose wealth is greater than one billion (109) dollars, or other currency.
BILLIONAIRE n. one possessing a billion dollars or more.
BILLOWINESSbillowiness n. The state or quality of being billowy.
BILLOWINESS n. the state of being billowy.
BLINDFOLDEDblindfolded v. Simple past tense and past participle of blindfold.
blindfolded adj. Wearing a blindfold.
BLINDFOLD v. to cover someone's eyes to prevent them seeing.
BOOKSELLINGbookselling n. The sale of books.
BOOKSELLING n. the profession of selling books.
COLONISABLEcolonisable adj. Alternative form of colonizable.
COLONISABLE adj. able to be colonised, also COLONIZABLE.
COLONIZABLEcolonizable adj. Capable of being colonized.
COLONIZABLE adj. able to be colonised, also COLONISABLE.
CONCILIABLEconciliable adj. Capable of being conciliated or reconciled.
conciliable n. A small or private assembly, especially of an ecclesiastical nature.
CONCILIABLE adj. (obsolete) that can be conciliated.
CONVULSIBLEconvulsible adj. Subject to convulsions.
CONVULSIBLE adj. subject to convulsion.
CORBELLINGScorbellings n. Plural of corbelling.
CORBELLING n. corbels taken collectively.
EBULLITIONSebullitions n. Plural of ebullition.
EBULLITION n. the act, process or state of boiling or bubbling up; a sudden violent outburst or display.
EMBOWELLINGembowelling v. Present participle of embowel.
embowelling n. An act of disembowelment.
EMBOWEL v. to remove the entrails of, also DISEMBOWEL.
EUGLOBULINSeuglobulins n. Plural of euglobulin.
EUGLOBULIN n. a simple protein that does not dissolve in pure water.
HELLEBORINEhelleborine n. Any of a number of species of orchid of the genera Epipactis and Cephalanthera.
Helleborine prop.n. (Obsolete) A taxonomic genus within the family Orchidaceae – a formerly recognized genus of flowering…
HELLEBORINE n. a kind of orchid.
INTOLERABLEintolerable adj. Not tolerable; not capable of being borne or endured.
intolerable adj. Extremely offensive or insulting.
intolerable adj. (Nuclear power) Extremely worn and degraded, to the point of being unsafe.
INTOLERABLYintolerably adv. In an intolerable manner; beyond endurance.
INTOLERABLE adv. that cannot be tolerated.
LABIODENTALlabiodental adj. (Phonetics) articulated with the lower lip and upper teeth.
labiodental n. (Phonetics) A speech sound articulated with the lower lip and upper teeth.
LABIODENTAL adj. pertaining to or pronounced with lips and teeth.
NEOLIBERALSneoliberals n. Plural of neoliberal.
neo-liberals n. Plural of neo-liberal.
NEOLIBERAL n. a liberal who de-emphasizes traditional liberal values in order to make progress by more pragmatic means.
OVERBILLINGoverbilling v. Present participle of overbill.
OVERBILL v. to bill too much.
REBELLOWINGrebellowing v. Present participle of rebellow.
REBELLOW v. (Spenser) to bellow in return.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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