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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing B, E, I, 3L and S

ALKALISABLEALKALISABLE adj. that can be alkalised, also ALKALIZABLE.
BELLICOSELYbellicosely adv. In a bellicose manner.
BELLICOSE adv. warlike.
CLARIBELLASclaribellas n. Plural of claribella.
CLARIBELLA n. an organ stop having a sweet fluty tone, also CLARABELLA.
COLLAPSIBLEcollapsible adj. That can be collapsed.
collapsible n. Any object that can be collapsed to save space.
COLLAPSIBLE adj. that can be collapsed, also COLLAPSABLE.
DISSYLLABLEdissyllable n. Alternative form of disyllable.
DISSYLLABLE n. a word with two syllables.
DISTILLABLEdistillable adj. Capable of being distilled, especially capable of being distilled without chemical decomposition.
DISTILLABLE adj. that can be distilled.
DISYLLABLESdisyllables n. Plural of disyllable.
DISYLLABLE n. a word with two syllables.
HILLBILLIEShillbillies n. Plural of hillbilly.
hillbillies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of hillbilly.
HILLBILLY n. a simple rustic, a yokel.
INFALLIBLESinfallibles n. Plural of infallible.
INFALLIBLE n. one incapable of failure.
KLEBSIELLASklebsiellas n. Plural of klebsiella.
KLEBSIELLA n. a genus of gram-negative rodlike bacteria.
LIBELLOUSLYlibellously adv. In a libellous manner.
LIBELLOUS adv. relating to libel, also LIBELOUS.
LOCALISABLElocalisable adj. Alternative spelling of localizable.
LOCALISABLE adj. able to be localised, also LOCALIZABLE.
MISLABELLEDmislabelled v. Simple past tense and past participle of mislabel.
MISLABEL v. to label incorrectly or falsely.
SADDLEBILLSsaddlebills n. Plural of saddlebill.
SADDLEBILL n. a large black-and-white stork.
SICKLEBILLSsicklebills n. Plural of sicklebill.
SICKLEBILL n. any one of three species of humming birds, native of Central and South America.
SILVERBILLSsilverbills n. Plural of silverbill.
SILVERBILL n. an Old World finch of the genus Minia.
TRISYLLABLEtrisyllable n. A word of three syllables.
TRISYLLABLE n. a word with three syllables.
UNKILLABLESSorry, definition not available.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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