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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing B, E, H, O, S and 2T

BATHOMETERSbathometers n. Plural of bathometer.
BATHOMETER n. an instrument for measuring depths, esp. one for taking soundings without a sounding line.
BIOETHICISTbioethicist n. An expert in bioethics.
BIOETHICIST n. a practitioner of bioethics, the study of the ethical problems produced by medical research etc.
BIRTHSTONESbirthstones n. Plural of birthstone.
BIRTHSTONE n. a gemstone associated symbolically with the month of one's birth.
BLUETHROATSbluethroats n. Plural of bluethroat.
BLUETHROAT n. a singing bird of northern Europe and Asia, related to the nightingales.
BOTTLEBRUSHbottlebrush n. A cylindrical brush on a thin shaft that is used to clean bottles.
bottlebrush n. Any of various trees or shrubs of the myrtle family, especially of the genera Callistemon and Melaleuca…
bottlebrush n. An uncommon cave formation resulting from a rise in water level such that a stalactite becomes immersed…
BUTTERHORNSbutterhorns n. Plural of butterhorn.
BUTTONHOLESbuttonholes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of buttonhole.
button-holes n. Plural of button-hole.
button␣holes n. Plural of button hole.
ETHAMBUTOLSETHAMBUTOL n. a drug used in the treatment of tuberculosis.
HEARTTHROBSheartthrobs n. Plural of heartthrob.
HEARTTHROB n. an object of affection.
HEBETATIONSHEBETATION n. the act of making blunt, dull, or stupid.
HEMATOBLASThematoblast n. Alternative form of haematoblast.
HEMATOBLAST n. a blood platelet, also HAEMATOBLAST.
OUTBREATHESoutbreathes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outbreathe.
OUTBREATHE v. to breathe forth.
SOUBRETTISHsoubrettish adj. Like a soubrette; cheeky and mischievous.
SOUBRETTISH adj. like a soubrette, pert, flirtatious.
STENOBATHICstenobathic adj. (Zoology) Able to live only within a limited range of depths (of water).
STENOBATHIC adj. able to live only within a narrow range of depth of water.
STEPBROTHERstepbrother n. The son of one’s stepparent who is not the son of either of one’s biological parents.
stepbrother n. The stepson of one’s parent who is not one’s half-brother.
step-brother n. Alternative form of stepbrother.
TABLECLOTHStablecloths n. Plural of tablecloth.
table-cloths n. Plural of table-cloth.
table␣cloths n. Plural of table cloth.
TEXTBOOKISHtextbookish adj. Characteristic of a textbook.
TEXTBOOKISH adj. written in a style reminiscent of textbooks.
THEOPHOBISTtheophobist n. A person who hates religion.
theophobist n. A person who has a fear of god, or a hatred of god. Affected with Theophobia.
THEOPHOBIST n. one with an extreme fear of God, also THEOPHOBIAC.
THEREABOUTSthereabouts adv. Synonym of thereabout…
thereabouts n. (Possibly erroneous) Location; whereabouts.
THEREABOUTS adv. about or near that place, also THEREABOUT.
TROUBLESHOTtroubleshot v. Simple past tense and past participle of troubleshoot.
TROUBLESHOOT v. to solve problems.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 107 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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