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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 14 eleven-letter words containing B, E, G, O, R, T and U

BEARDTONGUEbeardtongue n. A flowering plant in the genus Penstemon with a prominent, often hairy, staminode.
BEARDTONGUE n. a name for the flower penstemon.
BEFORTUNINGbefortuning v. Present participle of befortune.
BEFORTUNE v. (Shakespeare) to befall.
BROUGHTASESBROUGHTAS n. a small portion added to a purchase of food by a vendor to encourage the person to return, also BRAATA, BRAATAS, BROUGHTA.
BURGOMASTERburgomaster n. The mayor, or head magistrate, of a town in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and certain other countries.
BURGOMASTER n. (Dutch) the mayor of a Dutch or Flemish town.
GUBERNATIONgubernation n. The act of governing; government.
GUBERNATION n. control, rule.
GUBERNATORSgubernators n. Plural of gubernator.
GUBERNATOR n. (Latin) a powerful man in government.
GUTTERBLOODgutterblood n. (Derogatory, archaic) A person of low pedigree; one of the common rabble.
GUTTERBLOOD n. (Scots) a lowborn person.
OBJURGATIVEobjurgative adj. That objurgates; sharply disapproving.
OBJURGATIVE adj. chiding, scolding, also OBJURGATORY.
OUTBREAKINGoutbreaking n. The act of breaking out.
outbreaking n. That which bursts forth. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
outbreaking v. Present participle of outbreak.
OUTBREEDINGoutbreeding n. The breeding of unrelated (or only distantly related) individuals.
outbreeding n. The mating of people from different groups (especially as a result of social proscription).
OUTBREEDING n. breeding from parents not closely related.
REBUTTONINGrebuttoning v. Present participle of rebutton.
REBUTTON v. to button again.
SUBCATEGORYsubcategory n. With respect to a given category, a more narrow category.
subcategory n. (Category theory) A subclass of a category which is itself a category, whose arrows are a restriction…
sub-category n. Alternative spelling of subcategory.
UNABROGATEDunabrogated adj. Which has not been abrogated.
UNABROGATED adj. not abrogated.
UNDERBOUGHTunderbought v. Simple past tense and past participle of underbuy.
UNDERBUY v. to buy at a lower price than.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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