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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing B, E, G, L, R, S and U

BLUDGEONERSbludgeoners n. Plural of bludgeoner.
BLUDGEONER n. one who bludgeons.
BLUEGRASSESbluegrasses n. Plural of bluegrass.
BLUEGRASS n. a style of country music.
BLUNDERINGSblunderings n. Plural of blundering.
BLUNDERING n. the act of blundering, making a mistake.
BLUSTERINGSblusterings n. Plural of blustering.
BLUSTERING n. the act of blustering.
BOULDERINGSBOULDERING n. the practice of rock climbing on large boulders or small outcrops either as practice or as a sport in its own right.
BULLDOGGERSbulldoggers n. Plural of bulldogger.
BULLDOGGER n. one who bulldogs, wrestles steers.
BURGLARISEDburglarised v. Simple past tense and past participle of burglarise.
BURGLARISE v. to commit burglary, also BURGLARIZE.
BURGLARISESburglarises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of burglarise.
BURGLARISE v. to commit burglary, also BURGLARIZE.
BURGLARIZESburglarizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of burglarize.
BURGLARIZE v. to commit burglary, also BURGLARISE.
BURLESQUINGburlesquing v. Present participle of burlesque.
burlesquing n. An instance of burlesque.
BURLESQUE v. to make a burlesque of.
GLAUBERITESGLAUBERITE n. a greyish-white mineral, sodium calcium sulphate, found chiefly in rock salt.
HUMBLEBRAGShumblebrags n. Plural of humblebrag.
HUMBLEBRAG v. to make a statement that purports to be self-effacing but in fact reveals a person's wealth or importance.
LIMBURGITESlimburgites n. Plural of limburgite.
LIMBURGITE n. a volcanic rock composed of olivine and augite in a fine-grained or glassy groundmass.
REBUILDINGSrebuildings n. Plural of rebuilding.
REBUILDING n. the act of building again.
SLUBBERINGSSLUBBERING n. the act of slubbering.
SLUMBERINGSslumberings n. Plural of slumbering.
SLUMBERING n. the act of slumbering.
SUBMERGIBLEsubmergible adj. Synonym of submersible.
submergible n. Synonym of submersible.
SUBMERGIBLE n. a vessel used for undersea exploration or maintenance, also SUBMERSIBLE.
SUBREGIONALsubregional adj. Of or pertaining to a subregion.
subregional n. (Sports) A tournament, especially a qualifier, held below the regional level.
SUBREGIONAL adj. relating to a subregion.
UNGRASPABLEungraspable adj. Not able to be reached or grasped.
ungraspable adj. Not able to be remembered or comprehended.
UNGRASPABLE adj. not capable of being grasped.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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