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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 14 eleven-letter words containing B, E, G, I, M, R and T

ABRIDGEMENTabridgement n. (Chiefly UK) Alternative form of abridgment.
ABRIDGEMENT n. the act of abridging, also ABRIDGMENT.
ABRIDGMENTSabridgments n. Plural of abridgment.
ABRIDGMENT n. the act of abridging, also ABRIDGEMENT.
DRUMBEATINGdrumbeating n. A beating of drums.
DRUMBEATING n. the beating of a drum.
EMBITTERINGembittering v. Present participle of embitter.
embittering n. Embitterment.
EMBITTERING n. the act of making bitter.
EMBREATHINGembreathing v. Present participle of embreathe.
EMBREATHE v. (archaic) to breathe into.
EMBRITTLINGembrittling v. Present participle of embrittle.
EMBRITTLE v. (archaic) to make or become brittle.
EMBROCATINGembrocating v. Present participle of embrocate.
EMBROCATE v. to moisten and rub with a lotion.
IGNIMBRITESignimbrites n. Plural of ignimbrite.
IGNIMBRITE n. a hard rock formed by fusion of the volcanic fragments and dust of a nuee ardente.
IMBITTERINGimbittering v. Present participle of imbitter.
IMBITTER v. to make bitter, also EMBITTER.
LIMBURGITESlimburgites n. Plural of limburgite.
LIMBURGITE n. a volcanic rock composed of olivine and augite in a fine-grained or glassy groundmass.
OBTEMPERINGobtempering v. Present participle of obtemper.
OBTEMPER v. to yield obedience to, also OBTEMPERATE.
THIMBLERIGSthimblerigs n. Plural of thimblerig.
thimblerigs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of thimblerig.
THIMBLERIG v. to cheat by trickery.
TREMBLINGLYtremblingly adv. In a trembling manner.
TREMBLING adv. shaking involuntarily.
UNTREMBLINGuntrembling adj. Not trembling; staunch, unafraid.
UNTREMBLING adj. not trembling.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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