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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 13 eleven-letter words containing B, E, F, O, R, S and T

AFTERBODIESafterbodies n. Plural of afterbody.
after␣bodies n. Plural of after body.
AFTERBODY n. any discarded part that continues to trail after a rocket or satellite.
ASBESTIFORMasbestiform adj. (Crystallography) Having a particular kind of fibrosity in which fibers have high tensile strength and flexibility.
asbestiform n. (Mineralogy) Any of asbestos-like forms of several minerals.
ASBESTIFORM adj. of or like asbestos.
BEACHFRONTSbeachfronts n. Plural of beachfront.
BEACHFRONT n. a strip of land that fronts a beach.
BENEFACTORSbenefactors n. Plural of benefactor.
BENEFACTOR n. one that confers a benefit.
BREAKFRONTSbreakfronts n. Plural of breakfront.
BREAKFRONT n. a kind of cabinet with center beyond ends.
CLOFIBRATESclofibrates n. Plural of clofibrate.
CLOFIBRATE n. a lipid-lowering drug that is used to reduce high levels of fat and cholesterol.
FOOTBALLERSfootballers n. Plural of footballer.
FOOTBALLER n. one who plays football, also FOOTBALLIST.
FOOTBRIDGESfootbridges n. Plural of footbridge.
FOOTBRIDGE n. a bridge for pedestrians.
FOREBITTERSFOREBITTER n. a nautical ballad sung at the forebitts.
FREEBOOTERSfreebooters n. Plural of freebooter.
FREEBOOTER n. a person who roves about freely in search of booty, a pirate.
FROSTBITTENfrostbitten adj. Affected by frostbite.
FROSTBITE v. to affect with frostbite.
SOFTBALLERSsoftballers n. Plural of softballer.
SOFTBALLER n. one who plays softball.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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