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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing B, 2E, H, N, O and S

ABHORRENCESabhorrences n. Plural of abhorrence.
ABHORRENCE n. the act of abhorring, also ABHORRENCY.
BENTHOSCOPEBENTHOSCOPE n. a submersible sphere from which to study deep-sea life.
BONESHAKERSboneshakers n. Plural of boneshaker.
bone-shakers n. Plural of bone-shaker.
BONESHAKER n. a car or bicycle with inadequate suspension.
BURTHENSOMEburthensome adj. Obsolete spelling of burdensome.
BURTHENSOME adj. heavy, oppressive, also BURDENOUS, BURDENSOME.
BUSHELWOMENbushelwomen n. Plural of bushelwoman.
BUSHELWOMAN n. one who alters men's clothes.
HAUBERGEONShaubergeons n. Plural of haubergeon.
HAUBERGEON n. a sleeveless mail coat, shorter than a hauberk, also HABERGEON.
HEBETATIONSHEBETATION n. the act of making blunt, dull, or stupid.
HORNBLENDEShornblendes n. Plural of hornblende.
HORNBLENDE n. the common black, or dark green or brown, variety of amphibole.
HOUSEBROKENhousebroken adj. Of animals: trained to avoid urinating or defecating in the house, except within a litterbox, toilet…
house-broken adj. Alternative spelling of housebroken.
HOUSEBREAK v. to train a pet not to relieve itself indoors.
HUCKLEBONEShuckle␣bones n. Plural of huckle bone.
HUCKLEBONE n. the ankle bone, or talus.
MESOBENTHOSMESOBENTHOS n. flora and fauna living at the bottom of seas 182 to 914 metres deep.
NECROPHOBESnecrophobes n. Plural of necrophobe.
NECROPHOBE n. an organism that eats dead matter.
NEGROPHOBESnegrophobes n. Plural of negrophobe.
Negrophobes n. Plural of Negrophobe.
SHACKLEBONEshackle-bone n. (Scotland, archaic) The wrist.
SHACKLEBONE n. (Scots) the wrist.
WORKBENCHESworkbenches n. Plural of workbench.
WORKBENCH n. a bench, often purpose-built, at which a craftsman, mechanic, etc. works.
XENOPHOBIESXENOPHOBY n. fear of foreigners, also XENOPHOBIA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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