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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 9 eleven-letter words containing B, 3E, I, P and T

BATTLEPIECEbattle␣piece n. (Art) A painting, or a musical composition, representing a battle.
BATTLEPIECE n. a painting, relief, mosaic, etc., depicting a battle, usually commemorating an actual event.
BEPESTERINGbepestering v. Present participle of bepester.
BEPESTER v. (archaic) to pester, bother.
EXCERPTIBLEexcerptible adj. Able to be excerpted.
EXCERPTIBLE adj. that can be excerpted.
PERCEPTIBLEperceptible adj. Able to be perceived, sensed, or discerned.
perceptible n. Anything that can be perceived.
PERCEPTIBLE adj. able to be perceived.
PERFECTIBLEperfectible adj. Able to be perfected; capable of perfection.
PERFECTIBLE adj. capable of improvement or perfection (as in moral state).
PERVERTIBLEpervertible adj. Capable of being perverted.
pervertible n. A person who is liable to corruption.
pervertible n. An everyday or household object that can be used in sexual activity.
PREDIABETESprediabetes n. The state in which blood glucose levels are above normal but have not reached those of diabetes.
PREDIABETES n. an asymptomatic abnormal state that precedes the development of clinically evident diabetes.
PREVENTIBLEpreventible adj. Alternative form of preventable.
preventible n. Alternative form of preventable.
PREVENTIBLE adj. that can be prevented, also PREVENTABLE.
REDEMPTIBLEredemptible adj. (Archaic) redeemable.
REDEMPTIBLE adj. that can be redeemed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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