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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing B, D, 2I, O, R and T

ABORTICIDESaborticides n. Plural of aborticide.
ABORTICIDE n. the killing of a fetus; abortion.
ADORABILITYadorability n. The quality of being adorable; adorableness.
ADORABILITY n. the state of being adorable.
BACTERIOIDSBACTERIOID n. a swollen bacterium living symbiotically in the root-nodules of beans and other plants, also BACTEROID.
BIODIGESTERbiodigester n. A device that carries out biodigestion.
BIOINDUSTRYbioindustry n. Any of the industries associated with biotechnology.
BIOINDUSTRY n. industry centred on biological products.
COMORBIDITYcomorbidity n. (Medicine, uncountable) The presence of one or more disorders (or diseases) in addition to a primary…
comorbidity n. (Medicine, countable) A disease thus coexisting.
comorbidity n. (Medicine, uncountable) The effect of such additional disorders or diseases.
DISTRIBUTORdistributor n. One who or that which distributes.
distributor n. A device that distributes electric current, especially to the spark plugs in an internal combustion engine.
distributor n. (Printing, historical) A machine for distributing type.
ERODIBILITYerodibility n. The quality or degree of being erodible.
ERODIBILITY n. the capacity to be eroded.
MORBIDITIESmorbidities n. Plural of morbidity.
MORBIDITY n. the condition or state of being diseased, or being caused by disease.
MORIBUNDITYmoribundity n. The state or condition of being moribund.
MORIBUNDITY n. the state of being moribund.
ROADABILITYroadability n. The quality or degree of being roadable.
ROADABILITY n. the qualities, such as steadiness and balance, desirable in an automobile on the road.
TAILORBIRDStailorbirds n. Plural of tailorbird.
TAILORBIRD n. a kind of Asian warbler.
TENEBRIONIDtenebrionid n. (Zoology) Any member of family Tenebrionidae of darkling beetles.
TENEBRIONID n. a dark-coloured nocturnal beetle.
TROMBICULIDtrombiculid n. (Zoology) Any mite of the family Trombiculidae.
TROMBICULID n. any member of the mite family.
TROPICBIRDStropicbirds n. Plural of tropicbird.
TROPICBIRD n. any aquatic bird of the tropical family Phaethontidae, having long slender tail feathers and a white plumage with black markings.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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