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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing B, D, 2E, H, I and T

BENIGHTEDLYbenightedly adv. In a benighted manner.
BENIGHTED adv. BENIGHT, to be overtaken by night.
BENIGHTENEDbenightened v. Simple past tense and past participle of benighten.
BENIGHTEN v. to overtake with night, also BENIGHT.
BLUESHIFTEDblueshifted adj. Whose frequency/wavelength has been changed by a blueshift.
BLUESHIFTED adj. of a spectrum, shifted towards the blue.
BREADTHWISEbreadthwise adj. Directed across the breadth of an object or place.
breadthwise adv. Across the breadth of an object or place.
BREADTHWISE adv. in terms of breadth, broadside on, also BREADTHWAYS.
BRIDEWEALTHbridewealth n. Synonym of bride price.
bride-wealth n. Synonym of bride price.
bride␣wealth n. Synonym of bride price.
ESTABLISHEDestablished v. Simple past tense and past participle of establish.
established adj. Having been in existence for a long time and therefore recognized and generally accepted.
established adj. Of a religion, church etc.: formally recognized by a state as being official within that area.
HEREDITABLEhereditable adj. Capable of being inherited.
HEREDITABLE adj. capable of being inherited.
HEREDITABLYhereditably adv. By inheritance.
HEREDITABLE adv. capable of being inherited.
PHLEBITIDESphlebitides n. Plural of phlebitis.
PHLEBITIS n. inflammation of a vein.
PITCHBLENDEpitchblende n. (Mineralogy) Naturally-occurring uranium oxide, a variety of the mineral uraninite.
PITCHBLENDE n. a mineral, containing radium.
REEXHIBITEDreexhibited v. Simple past tense and past participle of reexhibit.
REEXHIBIT v. to exhibit again.
REINHABITEDreinhabited v. Simple past tense and past participle of reinhabit.
REINHABIT v. to inhabit again.
THEREBESIDEtherebeside adv. (Formal) Beside that or those.
THEREBESIDE adv. beside that.
THIMBLEWEEDthimbleweed n. Any of various plants whose heads resemble thimbles, including.
THIMBLEWEED n. any of various anemones with cylindrical seed heads.
TIMBERHEADStimberheads n. Plural of timberhead.
TIMBERHEAD n. top end of ship's timber used above the gunwale.
UNBENIGHTEDunbenighted adj. Not benighted.
UNBENIGHTED adj. not benighted.
WHITEBEARDSwhitebeards n. Plural of whitebeard.
WHITEBEARD n. an old man, a graybeard.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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