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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 11 eleven-letter words containing B, 2D, N, O, R and S

BONDHOLDERSbondholders n. Plural of bondholder.
BONDHOLDER n. a person who holds the bonds of a public or private corporation for the payment of money at a certain time.
BORDERLANDSborderlands n. Plural of borderland.
BORDERLAND n. territory at or near a border.
BROADSIDINGbroadsiding v. Present participle of broadside.
BROADSIDE v. to deliver a broadside.
CROSSBANDEDcrossbanded v. Simple past tense and past participle of crossband.
cross-banded adj. Alternative spelling of crossbanded.
CROSSBANDED adj. of a handrail, having the grain of the veneer run across that of the rail.
DENDROBIUMSdendrobiums n. Plural of dendrobium.
DENDROBIUM n. a kind of epiphytic orchid.
DRAINBOARDSdrainboards n. Plural of drainboard.
DRAINBOARD n. a sloping grooved board or surface, on which washed dishes are left to drain, typically into a sink.
FORBIDDINGSforbiddings n. Plural of forbidding.
FORBIDDING n. the act of commanding not to do something.
SNOWBOARDEDsnowboarded v. Simple past tense and past participle of snowboard.
SNOWBOARD v. to use a snowboard.
SOUNDBOARDSsoundboards n. Plural of soundboard.
SOUNDBOARD n. a thin resonant board (as the belly of a violin) so placed in an instrument as to reinforce its tones by sympathetic vibration.
UNDERBODIESunderbodies n. Plural of underbody.
UNDERBODY n. the underside of a motor vehicle.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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