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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing B, C, O, 2R and 2S

ABSTRACTORSabstractors n. Plural of abstractor.
ABSTRACTOR n. one who abstracts, also ABSTRACTER.
CARBONISERScarbonisers n. Plural of carboniser.
CARBONISER n. an agent that carbonises, also CARBONIZER.
CORNBRASHEScornbrashes n. Plural of cornbrash.
CORNBRASH n. a coarse, shelly limestone whose presence in the soil affords good growth for cereal crops.
CROSSBARREDcrossbarred adj. Secured by, or furnished with, crossbars.
crossbarred adj. Made or patterned in lines crossing each other.
CROSSBAR v. to fasten with crossarms.
CROSSBEARERcrossbearer n. Alternative spelling of cross bearer.
cross-bearer n. Alternative form of cross bearer.
cross␣bearer n. (Christianity) A person who carries a cross in a Christian religious procession.
CROSSBIRTHScrossbirths n. Plural of crossbirth.
cross-births n. Plural of cross-birth.
CROSSBIRTH n. a birth in which the child lies transversely in the uterus.
CROSSBOWERScrossbowers n. Plural of crossbower.
CROSSBOWER n. one who uses a crossbow.
CROSSBREEDScrossbreeds n. Plural of crossbreed.
cross-breeds v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of cross-breed.
CROSSBREED v. to hybridize.
INCROSSBREDINCROSSBRED n. a plant or animal produced by crossing two inbred individuals of different breeds.
MICROBURSTSmicrobursts n. Plural of microburst.
MICROBURST n. a sudden violent downward rush of air usually associated with thunderstorms, also DOWNBURST.
OBSTRUCTERSobstructers n. Plural of obstructer.
OBSTRUCTER n. one who obstructs, also OBSTRUCTOR.
OBSTRUCTORSobstructors n. Plural of obstructor.
OBSTRUCTOR n. one who obstructs, also OBSTRUCTER.
PROSCRIBERSproscribers n. Plural of proscriber.
PROSCRIBER n. one who proscribes.
SCOREBOARDSscoreboards n. Plural of scoreboard.
SCOREBOARD n. a large board for displaying the score of a game or match.
SUBSTRACTORSUBSTRACTOR n. (Shakespeare) a detractor.
SUBTRACTORSsubtractors n. Plural of subtractor.
SUBTRACTOR n. one who subtracts, also SUBTRACTER.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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