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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing B, C, N, R, 2S and U

BANCASSURERbancassurer n. An organisation operating a bancassurance scheme.
BANCASSURER n. one involved in bancassurance.
CRUMBLINESScrumbliness n. The state of being crumbly.
CRUMBLINESS n. the state of being crumbly.
CURABLENESScurableness n. The quality or state of being curable.
CURABLENESS n. the ability to be cured.
INSULBRICKSSorry, definition not available.
OBSCURENESSobscureness n. The state or quality of being obscure.
OBSCURENESS n. the state of being obscure.
RUBESCENCESrubescences n. Plural of rubescence.
RUBESCENCE n. reddening, blushing.
SCRUBBINESSscrubbiness n. The state or condition of being scrubby.
SCRUBBINESS n. the state of being scrubby.
SPRINGBUCKSspringbucks n. Plural of springbuck.
SPRINGBUCK n. a South African antelope, that moves in leaps when alarmed, also SPRINGBOK.
SUBBRANCHESsubbranches n. Plural of subbranch.
SUBBRANCH n. a subdivision of a branch.
SUBCHANTERSsubchanters n. Plural of subchanter.
SUBCHANTER n. a precentor's deputy; an officer or lay member of a cathedral who assists in chanting the litany.
SUBSCRIBINGsubscribing v. Present participle of subscribe.
subscribing n. A subscription.
SUBSCRIBING n. the act of taking out a subscription.
UNCROSSABLEuncrossable adj. Impossible to cross.
UNCROSSABLE adj. that cannot be crossed.
UNSCABBARDSunscabbards v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unscabbard.
UNSCABBARD v. to withdraw e.g. a sword from a scabbard.
UNSCRAMBLESunscrambles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unscramble.
UNSCRAMBLE v. to separate (as a conglomeration or tangle) into original components.
UNSUBSCRIBEunsubscribe v. (Intransitive) To cancel a subscription, especially to an online service.
unsubscribe n. An unsubscription.
UNSUBSCRIBE v. to terminate one's subscription.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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