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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 13 eleven-letter words containing B, C, M, 2O, S and T

AMBOCEPTORSamboceptors n. Plural of amboceptor.
AMBOCEPTOR n. in immunization, an antibody acting as a double receptor.
AMOEBOCYTESamoebocytes n. Plural of amoebocyte.
amœbocytes n. Plural of amœbocyte.
AMOEBOCYTE n. a cell, like a leukocyte, having amoeboid form, also AMEBOCYTE.
BROOMSTICKSbroomsticks n. Plural of broomstick.
broomsticks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of broomstick.
BROOMSTICK n. the long thin handle of a broom.
COENOBITISMcoenobitism n. Alternative form of cenobitism.
cœnobitism n. Obsolete spelling of cenobitism.
COENOBITISM n. the state of being a coenobite.
COMBUSTIONScombustions n. Plural of combustion.
COMBUSTION n. an act or instance of burning.
COMBUSTIOUScombustious adj. Inflammable; combustible.
combustious adj. (Figurative) turbulent.
COMBUSTIOUS adj. (Shakespeare) combustible.
COMPOSTABLEcompostable adj. Suitable for compost.
compostable n. That which is suitable for compost.
COMPOSTABLE adj. that can be composted.
HOMOBLASTIChomoblastic adj. (Biology) Developing from a single type of tissue.
homoblastic adj. (Botany) Having leaves whose shape changes very little with the plant’s or shoot’s age.
HOMOBLASTIC adj. derived from similar cells; showing direct embryonic development.
LOBECTOMIESlobectomies n. Plural of lobectomy.
LOBECTOMY n. the surgical excision of a lobe.
MACROBIOTASmacrobiotas n. Plural of macrobiota.
MACROBIOTA n. the larger organisms in the soil collectively.
MACROBIOTESmacrobiotes n. Plural of macrobiote.
MACROBIOTE n. a long-lived organism.
MICROBIOTASmicrobiotas n. Plural of microbiota.
MICROBIOTA n. the smallest soil organisms collectively.
WITCHBROOMSWITCHBROOM n. a dense abnormal growth of shoots on a tree or other woody plant, usually caused by parasitic fungi of the genus Taphrina.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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